UMB ft. Eunha-I Wab U (SMUT)

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Warning mature content people!! Don't read if you don't like stuffs like this!!

(Sorry it's late hehe hope y'all like it! and hope it's good lol. Also VIVIZ IS COMIN' SO LETS SUPPORT THEM AHH IM EXCITED!! Advance Happy Halloween lmao enjoy reading!!!)

Umji's POV
While walking someone waved at me, I stared at her.

Why is she so pretty!?

Her black hair falling down to her shoulders as she ran towards me, her beautiful eyes and her kissable lips! Ahh I'm going crazy for her! Everything about her screams perfection! it takes my breath away!

"Hey! Yewon-ah!" She tapped my shoulder removing me from my daydreaming state, I looked at her confused because she was staring at me.

"Uh what?" She giggled "I was asking if you want me to accompany you to your class?" I smiled at her "Sure! Why not?" She happily placed her arms on my shoulder and we started walking.

"So did you have a good sleep last night?" She spoke "How could I? You were whining to me like a baby because Yerin unnie teased you about you being a bottom in our relationship" I said slightly laughing.

She playfully glared at me then placed her foot in front of mine causing me to trip so she laughed, now it was my turn to glare at her.



that's where we started running until we were sweating like crazy, we went to the restroom to fix ourselves.

"Look what you did eunnie!! We're sweating like hell and we haven't even started our classes yet!!" She just looked at me and laughed hard "What! What are you laughing at tsk!" She went to me and said "We can skip first class right?" I looked at her shock "What! No way you know I don't like skipping!"

"But we're already late! And it's boring, please!! Just this once!!" She begged "fine but we're attending second class right away" she smiled "let's go to the library!!" She pulled my arm and we walked to the library

Sneaking pass the sleeping librarian coz we goin to get in trouble if we get caught duhh!

we went to the very corner of the library and started to search for books that looks interesting to read.

We leaned on each other's back reading quietly. "FYI, Just to remind you that you're the bottom between the two of us!" She whispered on my ear blowing on it after.

I scoffed "Oh really??" I face her and she was smiling "Yes really!" she said then placed a kiss on my forehead.

she was about to go somewhere when I held her wrist then pinned her to the nearest wall making her whimper "OW!!" she whispered yelled at my ear.

I smirked at her and connected our lips she responded quite quickly. I quickly moved away right after she responded chuckling softly as she chased my lips back.

I went to place small kisses on her bottom lip then on her jaw down to her neck sucking some parts making her groan "y-yewoniee~~" she tilted her head higher giving me more access.

I went to find her spot and sucked on it making her moan a bit louder "aH!" I smiled at her pecking her lips "you gotta have to lower down your voice don't want someone to hear us right? You wouldn't want to stop when your already this needy right?"

I placed my hand on her waist slowly going up, my hands going inside her uniform touching her bare tummy which has abs by the way!

"Yewonie pleaseee!" She whisper yelled leaning her head on my shoulder "please what baby?" I went even higher slightly removing her bra on and touching her mound.

"Please m-make me feel g-good" she said biting her lip after when I squeezed her left mound "f-fuck y-yewonie!"

I place my other hand on her thigh gently rising to her core feeling her wet core through her undies "you're this wet already? I haven't even done anything!" I licked her lips and kissed it while my hand went inside her undies placing my thumb on her clit and teasingly moved it.

"Baby s-stop aHh t-teasing me!" She gripped on my hair when I used my finger to slide pass her core I slowly inserted one finger and pumped it in and out slowly "does it hurt eunnie?"

She shooked her head no and told me to keep going I went a little faster inserting another finger in "f-fuck! aHhh y-yess" she was moaning louder so I had to kiss her again to shut her up.

I moved my finger around inside her until this one spot made her remove her mouth from mine and moaned "Ahh b-baby t-that's the s-spot dont aHh s-stop!"

Lastly I inserted a third finger making her moan louder I covered her mouth with my hand and kissed her neck "Eunnie stop shoutingg or you want me to stop?" she disagreed and went to remove my hand from her mouth placing her lips on my neck and biting on it.

I could tell she was close because she was clenching around my finger and biting my neck reallll hard "yewonie im close Ahh"

I went faster and faster my fingers feeling numb "YEWONIE!" she yelled on my neck but not enough for others to hear. I removed my finger and licked on my finger while looking at her so she blushed and hid her face with her hands.

"Stop it that's embarrassing yewon!" I giggled and kissed her one last time licking her lower lip before parting away "So? Told you I'm the top here" I smirked at her and she playfully rolled her eyes "not really I just let you do it to me wait till we get home honey" she said and kissed my neck

After cleaning up and putting our mess away we slowly moved to get outside the library "Did you two have fun fucking each other?, damn sinb you were loud" shit oh no

We looked at the one who spoke and saw Eunha unnie standing with her hands on her waist "Seriously? In the library y'all are gross!" We laughed at her blushing slightly "As if you and Sowon unnie dont do stuff like that" sinb fired back

Making Eunha flustered and smacked Sinb's head "Yah we don't we're good persons who knows to keep it in our pants tsk go to your class! You're lucky I'm the librarian today,if I see you skipping again I'm giving you detention!"

We playfully saluted at her "thanks unnie!" we both said to her and went to go to our class holding hands "Shawingg" I called her "Yah! Stop with the shawing that's so old already" and she pouted I smiled and looked at her "I Wab U!!" I told her and kissed her cheeks.

She smiled and kissed my cheeks too "I love you more yewonie!"

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