SINRIN-One Last Night (SMUT)

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Warning mature content people!! Don't read if you don't like stuffs like this!! Enjoy lol

"Are you sure about your decision Eunbi?"

"I mean I don't have a choice do I?"

"But Yerin will be really sad if you leave and without telling her too she'll be mad!"

"That's the point Sowon unnie so she can forget me easily and move on, just take care of her for me please unnie"

"Okay...I don't support this idea of yours but I don't have any rights to complain don't worry I'll take care of her"

"Gomawo Unnie! I gotta go she might be waiting for me"

"Alright see you bye!"


Yerin's POV

"Yennie I'm Home!" I heard the front door open and my lovely girlfriend speaking to me "TtinB-Yahh I'm so glad your here! I miss you sooo much!" I said as I engulfed her in a hug she didn't hug back so I looked at her and saw her face lookin' all gloomy

"Baby are you okay?" I said full of worries "Are you sick?" I spoke again while touching her forehead with my palm she just smiled and held my hand "I'm fine Yennie just a little tired that's all" Eunbi said then pulled me into a hug her face going near my neck

"Baby it tickles!" I said giggling a little when she started kissing my neck. "You smell so good unnie" I heard her say which made me laugh "Why do you love smelling me so much?" I told her and she just shrugged pulling me to our shared room laying me down the bed and her coming right next to me

"Yah why are you all red TtinB? are you sure your okay?" I spoke to her cupping her face she just went to hug me and placed her head in my neck again "I swear what's wrong with you eunbi? Why are you acting like this huh?" I whispered to her "I-I want t-to do it with you unnie" I heard her mumble "do what sinb?" I looked at her.

Suddenly she went on top of me and kissed me hard "This" she said and went to kiss me rough again she went from my mouth to my neck and kept on biting and licking on my sweet spot "hmm eunbi n-not so h-hard pls hahh- I have a-a meeting to- Agh-tomorrow!"

Sinb's POV
One last night won't hurt right? so I didn't listen to her and kept sucking her sweet spot making her moan loud. While sucking her my hands went to remove our clothing until we were left with our undies only. I placed my hand on her mound and started to fondle it gently "Ugh! e-eunbi please agh-!"

"Please what unnie" I told her while smirking "agh-! f-fuck me eunbi!" she whispered "I didn't here you yennie you gonna have to say it louder baby" I said and proceeded to put my mouth on her mound sucking it "Shit! Eunbi Agh! Fuck me!! Please I need you in me! uGh-!" she shouted I went on kissing lower to her stomach then to her clothed clit

"Look how wet you are Yennie, and only I can make you this wet right" I said teasingly putting my hand on her clothed clit "Eunbi! Agh! o-only for you ugh- F-Fuck dont tease m-me pls" I went to remove her underwear and proceeded to lick her gently "e-eunbi f-faster fuck! Ugh!" I went sucking her putting my tongue in and out faster than earlier

"FUCK UGH- eunbi y-yess ah-ah harder!" I added one finger in it making her scream which makes me turned on "EUNBI FUCKK AGH!" fuck I love it when she screams my name I went even faster and she became a moaning mess "I'm cumming baby urgh- ah EUNBI haahh- ohh" she cummed on my mouth and my finger I cleaned it up with her moaning a little due to over sensitivity I looked straight to her eyes while sucking my hand full of her cum which made her blush

"Yennie that was fun!" I said about to get us cleaned up when she pulled me down the bed and pinned my hands above my head "oh we're just getting started honey" Yerin said smirking at me she went to kiss me hard which I returned back, we were fighting for dominance when she squeezed my ass making me moan and her tongue going inside my mouth more

"Hmm Ugh Yennie!" she went down to my mounds and playfully sucked on it looking at my eyes with lust in it. "Ughh yes just like that ahh u-unnie!" she placed her hand on my clit teasing it like how I did "Unnie please ugh fuck!" She entered one digit and went in and out painfully slow so I started to move my hip to her hand

"Such an impatient naughty girl eunbi" she said getting up to get something when I saw what it was I was turned on even more I watched her putting on the strap-on and going towards me pulling me for another kiss "hmm unnie! Ughh" I said in between our kisses

"FUCK AHH u-unnie it hurts" I said gripping her back "do you want me to not continue? you don't have to do this baby" she said while caressing my head "I-I can handle it unnie j-just let me adjust to it again" I said hugging her still "alright I'll be gentle just tell me when to move baby I love you!" "m-me too unnie so much"

After a few minutes I think I can handle it already so I told Yerin Unnie to move "okay baby tell me if you want to stop alright?" she then started moving slowly "agh- unnie ughh" she went faster but not too fast to hurt me "f-feels so good unnie g-go harder please" I spoke she went even faster and we were both a moaning mess "your so tight eunbi fuck aghh-" she kept going in and out until I felt I was about to cum "unnie ughh- ahh I'm cumming ahh shit"

"Ugh YENNIE AH- haa fuck" I cummed so she went slower so I can ride out my cum and she cleaned me up but due to over sensitivity I kept moaning still. When she finished she went to kiss me and engulfed me with a tight hug

"Gahd that was tiring" she giggled and placed her face on my neck "You know I love you so much unnie right?" I told her while trying to not cry "I know TtinB I love you too alot" she whispered in my ear "please be happy for me unnie"

"What I am happy eunbi what are you saying silly!" She said and smiling with her famous eye smile "yeah I know I want you to always be happy even if I'm not the one making you happy okay?" I said a tear rolling out of my eye "Eunbi what's going on your not leaving me right?" she said looking up to me "no unnie I won't" I smiled

"You better not ill- I'll punch" she said then I heard her snoring if only you know unnie hayss I hope you forgive me I'm sorry. I kissed her forehead and cried as silent as possible to not wake her up "I will miss you unnie I love you!" I hugged her for the last time and cleaned both ourselves up I putted on some clothes and dressed her as well after that I slowly went outside glancing at her one last time

Goodbye Yerin Unnie

Finally updated wooo hope you guys like it lol see y'all in the next chapter!!!

labyu all!!

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