EUNBI LINE-Ketchup (SMUT-ish but mostly fluff)

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Eunha's POV
"You know I can't do that Yerin! she's- she's special to me..I can't lose her like that" I told the slightly taller girl in front of me while swirling the glass of wine in my hand.

"Eunbi don't be stupid I'm not saying you'll lose her I just want you to talk to her and tell her the truth!" She exaggeratedly answered while placing a piece of meat in her mouth.

"B-but what if she rejects me! I don't even know if she swings that way too!" The girl in front of me laughed

"Oh trust me she likes you too, didn't you see the way she looked at you? and FYI she even stayed outside the house even if it was rainy just because you were being like a little child you are, I mean who stands for someone in the rain just because you kicked her out? And the main reason being was she ate your hamburger without knowing it was even yours!?"

"Aish I was hungry that time okay! And you know I love hamburgers a lot, tho her doing that was actually kinda sick!"

"dude she literally got sick the next day because of you being childish" she said as she shook her head sideways "And I didn't know Jung Eunbi is a little coward and if I may add whipped for a certain shawing with the same name as hers" Yerin said smirking and I just glared at her.

Earning a small laugh from her then it went back to silence as we finished eating our food. "Anyways I'd rather you stop gay panicking whenever you see her and just tell her okay? I'm tired of your whipped ass ranting to me about how perfect she is again"

"Besides what could go wrong with confessing?" I scoffed at her "Uhh Just about everything!? She might not talk to me, then I'll be really heartbroken and then-"

"Alright! Alright! Stop! You're thinking too far ahead don't you think? You haven't even tried asking dummie, anyways I gotta go or else Sowon's gonna kill me, thanks for dinner, love you! and please you better get her before holidays come, I don't want seeing you spending it alone"

Yerin spoke while throwing flying kisses and hearts at me grabbing her purse and leaving the room. I shook my head and waved goodbye.

She's telling me I'm childish whilst her acting like a child as well, tsk how can Sowon even tolerate that girl!?


"Do you want me to get it for you?"

"Yeah!!" She laughed at me "Here you go honey" I took the hamburger in her hand and happily ate it while she looked at me and giggled

"Your so cute Unnie! Oh! Wait there's something on your lip.

Closer and Closer her lips centimeters away from me is this true?! Oh my gosh!!


"HUH WHAT?! WHY!?" I was woken up by someone that was a dream

I angrily looked at the person who ruined my perfectly good dream but my face soon softened when I saw who it was.

"I was waking you up for the nth time unnie!! God! Why are you such a heavy sleeper! anygays Sowon unnie said get down there before she kicks your ass" she said giggling then proceeded to go close to me and kissed my head.

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