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Umji's pov:i woke up not hearing anything from outside mine and sinb's room i went to the kitchen and found a note from my unnies

Uri maknaengie we went to buy some stuffs for the house and maybe hangout to we figured you and yuju need sometime alone, yuju will be back from her schedule by the time you read this we didn't wanna wake you up so we just wrote this well we'll talk later okay bye!! We love u uri maknaengie

Then suddenly the front door open
"i'm home" somebody yelled i went to the door and greeted yuju unnie "hi unnie they left me here and bought some stuffs for the house also hanged out" "oh okay what should we do baby" oh yeah i forgot to tell you me and yuju unnie are together "i don't know maybe movies and some cuddling will do i miss hugging your gorgeous body we can't even cuddle anymore because of our busy schedule" i said while pouting
"aaww my little baby needs cuddles come here"she said while spreading her arms i went to her and she hug me the warmth i was feeling was Unbelievable i felt so relax and happy to be back in her warmth then she carried me to mine and sinb's room we lay on my bed and cuddled this was one of the Best days i had while the sun is setting we stayed in a cuddling position watching movies until i fell sleepy so i close my eyes and soon dozed of to dreamland

Yuju's POV:i was talking about the movie in a certain part and ask something to umji but there was no respond i looked at her and saw she was sleeping peacefully she look so cute i laugh and fixed her hair putting the hair behind her ear god i can't loose this girl i don't know what to do if she left me i kiss her forehead and said "sweet dreams angel dream of me" and cuddled with her soon i joined her to dreamland

Author's POV:the girls just came back and went to check on both of them all of them smile when they saw the lovely couple cuddling while sleeping peacefully they wash up and went to sleep too.

Another update hope you like it!!
사랑해요💖💞 여러분 !!

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