SINRIN ft.Umji-Bad Idea

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"This a bad idea unnie, shouldn't we be doing this in a more private place?" A girl named eunbi but better known as sinb said to the slightly taller girl in front of her, they've been fighting for an hour whether they'll do it or not.

"oh c'mon baby what would be the fun in that? Besides this gives more thrill ya know the feeling of getting caught is cool" the girl said smiling "What's cool about that Yerin unnie?! If we get caught we'll be in deep trouble!" sinb said to the girl named yerin who's currently trying to kiss her neck

"U-Unnie!!" sinb gasps as yerin found her sweet spot "u-unnie can't this really wait? We can do it at our dorm later" the sinb spoke "but I need you now!" yerin whines as she cutely pouted "l-let's just hurry this u-up"

Yerin smirked in victory "I knew you couldn't resist me" yerin said then proceeded to kiss sinb, both not backing down fighting for dominance, yerin pinned sinb to the wall at the same time squeezing sinb's mounds making her gasp letting yerin put her tongue inside her mouth.

Sinb's POV
yerin unnie's lips slowly went down to my collarbone then to my chest at a really slow pace which kinda annoyed me "u-unnie please don't tease me, j-just get on with i-it" I saw her smirking she put one of my mound to her mouth and sucked it.

"EUNBI! SOWON UNNIE SAID SHE'S GONNA KILL YOU FOR- HOLY SHIT MY EYES" we had to stop suddenly and looked who came welp none other than umji of course. "U-Uh yea unnie said w-we gotta g-go your taking t-too long, she said to call you u-uh y-yea I think i-ll go" umji said covering her eyes.

"Stop acting innocent umji I know you and yuju unnie does this too and knowing yuju unnie she's probably done something way worse" I said dressing up immediately "whatever at least we can keep it in our pants until we get home and sowon unnie's still gonna kill you bleh" umji said playfully then ran away

Tsk that girl haysss

"Told you it was a bad idea"

Welp not what I wanted to write but welp it's an update I'm still thinking for a better plot for the sinrin smut so yea bare with this for now hehe see you on the next oneee

P.S sorry if it's a crap chapter again HAAHHAAH okay bye

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