WONB-Addicted To You (SMUT)

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Warning mature content people!! Don't read if you don't like stuffs like this!!

(Oh also since I have not updated for a long time again stay tuned for the two next chapters coming after this, I'll try to finish it right away and update faster enjoy reading!"

Sinb's POV
I was walking along the hallway when someone pulled me in a room then pinned me to the wall "SOWON UNNIE!" I half yelled half whispered at the goddess in front of me.

"Shh someone might here us!" She said putting her finger in front of my mouth signaling me to shut up which I did "But why are you here Unnie?" I whispered softly "Why don't you miss me?" She said while pouting.


"Really Unnie? You? Obviously I did! You were gone for like 2 years" she laughed and kissed my forehead "It was just 2 weeks Sinb"

"Oh really? Well it felt like 2 years, Anyways I really missed you Unnie!" I hugged her until we fell to the bed me sitting on her lap.

"I missed you too baby" She leaned in and our lips were about to touch when someone specifically a duck opened the door. "EUNBI! DINNER'S REA- HOLY SHIT SOWON UNNIE YOU'RE BACK"

soon enough I was pushed to the floor while this big ass duck went to Sowon Unnie and pulled her into a hug. "Oh Sinb-yah what are you doing on the floor?"

"Why don't you ask it to someone who doesn't know how to knock?!" They just both laughed while helping me stand up. "Sorry Eunbi I was just happy Sowon Unnie's here, anyways sorry for disturbing but as I said dinner's ready so let's go down, the girls will probably be happy you're back Unnie!" And there went Yerin Unnie dragging Sowon Unnie to the dining room.

"UNNIE!" I heard everyone yell from the dining room. We all sat down the table and proceeded to eat while having chitchats about  Sowon Unnie's trip and other random things with the occasional laughs because of Yuju Unnie and Yerin Unnie's Weirdness.

After eating we decided to play games and watch a movie, halfway through the movie I felt really sleepy so I leaned my head on Sowon Unnie's shoulders and didn't know I was already taking a trip to dreamland.


I woke up to the light coming from the sun rays reflecting on my window and someone gently stroking my hair. I looked in front of me and saw Sowon Unnie's smiling face.

"Morning sweety" she softly said and poked my nose. "Morning Unnie" I said and hugged her putting my face on her neck, giving her small kisses which makes her giggle from time to time.

"What do you wanna do today B?" She asked me "Anything Unnie as long as it's with you" she laughed and kissed my head "Alright why don't we start it with eating breakfast hmm" I just nodded and went to get ready with her.


Sowon's POV

"Unnie that's cheating!"

"Blehh you can't catch me now"

"Oh you bet!"

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