WONB- Lean On Me

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Sowon's POV
We we're currently in the dance room, and I kept on glancing at my girlfriend sinb she was not feeling well today but being the stubborn main dancer she is,she still insisted to practice. She looked pale that's why I'm so worried

Sinb's POV
I honestly feel like I'm going to faint any minute but still insisted because I don't want to have mistakes in dancing, I always make mistakes because my body hurts so much but I didn't want my members to be worried about me so I just kept on going

"10 minute break guys well done!!"the choreographer told us but being stubborn I kept on dancing just to perfect my wrong steps earlier.

"You should take it easy eunbi-ah"I heard sowon unnie said to me

"Yeah,sinb take it easy you look pale already just take a rest for a minute" yerin unnie also said to me full of worries evident in her face

"As your girlfriend and as the leader of this group I command you to rest first eunbi-yah"sowon unnie said pleadingly at the same time with authority lingering in her voice.

"Okay sowonnie!!" I said with aegyo but as I was gonna sit on the floor my head started to hurt so hard that I fell to the floor

"SINB-AH!!"was the last thing I heard before everything turned black

Sowon's POV
"SINB-AH!!"we all shouted after sinb just collapsed on the floor I run to her and held her

"Yerin-ah call manager-nim tell him we need to bring sinb home so she can rest and just call the doctor to go to the dorm" i said to yerin and she immediately followed me

Few minutes later manager-nim carried sinb to the van I go to my sit but stared confusedly to my members

"Aren't you guys going to ride the van?"I said to them

"Unnie we still need to practice you should just go with sinb so you could take care of her we'll be fine here"umji said smiling

"Okay,yerin you take over okay....."and yerin just smiled and nodded

*Few minutes later*

We arrived at our dorm, manager-nim carried sinb and put her to her bed and the doctor was there too, he check on sinb and said to us that she just overworked herself and she just needs alot of rest and stop dancing for maybe a few days

I was glad nothing happened to her manager-nim assisted the doctor out the door and also manager-nim told me that he will take his leave too,to fetch the girls left at the company's dance room so I just nodded

I walk to sinb's room and sit beside her bed I put a towel on her head because her temperature was high, and cover her body with the blanket I also kiss her cheeks and was about to leave the room but a hand holding my wrist stop me to do so

Sinb's POV
I started to wake up when someone kiss my cheeks knowing that it was sowonnie I opened my eyes to see that she was about to leave the room,I held her wrist to stop her from leaving

"Sowonnie don't gooo!! Stay with me pwease!!"I said with aegyo again....wow I didn't know that if I'm sick I use to do so much aegyo

She just laugh"I love it when you're sick you become a cute little girl hahaha"

I pouted "just come here and stay with me pwease"

"Okay,okay I'll stay, your too cute to be refused at"she said smiling

She laid down beside me and hug me

"Don't ever force and tire yourself,you always make me worry gahd,if your tired you can lean on me okay that's why you have me baby"

"Ne,I won't tire myself next time,I don't want my ahjumma to be mad at me"I said while laughing

"Yah-"and she smacked my head

"aww,that hurts!! I can't believe you hurt you're shawing like that!!"I said pouting

"Because you said I'm an ahjumma hmp!!"

"Hehehe you know I still love you unnie!!saranghae!!!😘💖❤️"doing finger hearts at her and acting all cute and all,I guess I'm like this when I'm sick and forget all about it when I get better hehehe😆😂

"Hahaha nado saranghae my little shawing...let's take a rest now okay"

I just smiled and nodded I kiss her in the lips and I went to sleep in her arms

Doneee hope you like it guys hehehe see you in the next chapter

Bye for now!!

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