UMB-Wait For Me

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Sinb's POV:i planned to take a walk so i can get over things but i was wrong i saw you being happy with another girl you smiled so brightly and genuine i wish i made you smile when you we're still mine when you were still in my arms i'm so guilty of what i did but i had to so you can forget about me so when i leave you,you wouldn't be hurt, I still remembered those days when we were both happy

We were at the namsan tower we got a padlock there written "sinb&umji forever" we kiss the padlock before locking it to the rail with smiles on our faces

"sinb~yah promise me we'll stay forever like the padlock says"umji said i smiled  "ofcourse my little thumb" this is the last day i'll be with her i'll break up with her, you know why because of this fucking disease yes i have cancer and i have only days left and anytime i could die i look at her and hug her stopping myself from crying
"hey ttinb~yah why what happened?" "nothing I just want to hug you saranghae umji~yah promise me you'll be brave i'm sorry I need to break up with you"she pulled away from the hug "w-what w-why" "just for some reason i'm sorry I just don't wan't you to be hurt"

"hurt? What are you doing right now eunbi yah you're already hurting me just tell me what reason it is"

"nothing you don't have to know"


"YOU WANT TO KNOW I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE" she stood there shock while tears can be visible in her eyes

Flashback end~

she just stood there I hate to break her heart so I just left and never saw her again until today I was looking at her then we made eye contact it lasted for about 5 seconds then she turned away and talk to the girl she's with then turned to me and approach me my heart was beating fast
"s-sinb?" "u-umji i-it's b-been a while"

Then she comes to me and hug me
"umji~yah your girlfriend might see"

"aniya she's not my girlfriend, she's my cousin you don-t know how much i miss you sinb~yah"

"i love you umji always remember i will be by your side always i won't leave you i'm sorry" i was in tears i tighten the hug I was about to say something more when i suddenly felt dizzy and the next thing i know all i see was black

Umji's POV: I was waiting for sinb's response but heard nothing



"yah sinb?!"

I release from the hug when i didn't felt sinb hugging me anymore and saw she was unconscious not breathing

"SINB YAH WAKE UP YAH HWANG SINB YOU SAID YOU WON'T LEAVE ME" we called the ambulance i search her phone and dialed her brother's number

"hello sinb"

"o-oppa i-it's m-me u-umji s-inb's in the h-hospital n-now" i said in tears

"what?! What hospital are you in i'm coming"

"it's XXX hospital" then the call ended a few minutes her brother  arrived suddenly the doctor went out

"who's with the patient"

"us"  his brother said

"i'm sorry but the patient didn't make it her cancer was too severe"

"w-what s-she h-has c-cancer?!"

"umji~yah i'm sorry she didn't tell you she loved you so much also she wanted to hand you this" then he gave me a letter after that i excuse myself and i runned to our secret hideout on top of the hill


then i remembered her letter i read it,it says

maybe if your reading this i'm not by your side anymore sorry i had to leave you i broke up with you not because i don't love you but because of my sickness sorry i didn't tell you
I just didn't want to hurt you well i hope you still continue living okay!! don't worry i'll take care of you even though you can't see me anymore take care don't starve yourself always eat okay i have to go now byeee saranghae💗

After i read it i cried while looking at the sky "every moment with you shined  i know we will still each other just wait for me saranghae eunbi~yah"

Phew~ another chapter hope you like it!!

사랑해!!💗💗 여러분 !!

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