Chapter 6

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I rang the doorbell, nervous as hell. What would Mrs. Queen think of me? What would Mr. Queen think of me? What will Thea Queen think of me? What will Oliver Queen think of me? These thoughts flooded my brain as the door opened. There, in the doorway, stood Moira Queen, in her purple silk pajamas. "Ah, you must be Miss. Smoak." She held out her hand for a handshake. I took it and complied. "Please, call me Felicity," I answered after the handshake. "Of course. Please, come in." Moira invited me inside. I went inside and stood in awe. This place is huge! Well, of course it is. It's a mansion, for crying out loud! "Oliver! Felicity is here," Mrs. Queen shouted up the stairwell to her son. "Coming!" A voice called. I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned and looked at Oliver. His features were beyond perfect. His short dirty blond hair was spiked up. His blue eyes shine like diamond stars in the night sky. His muscles rippled in his black suit. He was wearing a black bow tie which pulled his whole sexy figure together. This man does something to me.

He walked over to me and stopped. His mouth gaped open. "Wow. You look... You look perfect," he said after a moment of silence and speechlessness. No. She looks beyond sexy or perfect, Oliver thought. "I could say the same to you," I flirted a little. I immediately (mentally) smacked myself for that. I tried to make up an excuse for that, but I came up with nothing. I just dismissed it, hoping that Oliver did, too. Oliver smiled at me, widely. "We-we should get going." Oliver looked from me to his mother. "Okay, make us proud." Moira smiled and kissed Oliver on the cheek. She put a hand on my shoulder and kept that smile upon her face. "Have fun, you two," she said as we walked out the door. Oliver didn't notice but my face was burning up.

The car ride was quiet. Oliver and I would ask each other questions here and there, but nothing that sparked a conversation. When we got there, Oliver turned off the car. He ran out of the car and to my door. He opened the door and held out his hand. I settled my hand in his and held it. We walked into the restaurant in silence. "Queen, party of four," he said to the waiter at the front. He held out his hand, gesturing to a table occupied with two people, leaving two seats open. Oliver led me to the table. "Ah, Mr. Swift." Oliver held out his free hand for the apparent Mr. Swift to take and shake. Then, he looked over at the woman standing next to Mr. Swift. Mrs. Swift, I presume? "Mrs. Swift," Oliver said with a smile as he sat down. I sat down next to him thinking, gotcha. Mr. Swift looked at me and started speaking. "And who is this lovely young lady?" the elderly man asked from across Oliver. "Felicity. Smoak," I piped up before Oliver could say anything. "Nice to meet you," Mrs. Swift smiled. I smiled back, getting back to business.

"Mr. Queen, this dinner wasn't at all necessary. I already told you, I'm not selling anything. I don't want your money," Mr. Swift got to the point. Oliver was about to talk, but I interrupted him. Oops. "With all due respect, Mr. Swift, Oliver doesn't want your land because he's rich or because he wants to show off. He doesn't want it because of its property value or because he simply just wants it. He's, along with all of Queen Consolidated, is going to use it for the greater good. Oliver is going to use it to inspire Starling City. Not only Starling, but as far as Central and Coast. He's a good person with an amazing idea and whatever Oliver's going to use it for, it's going to make you beyond proud." I finished my small speech. Mr. and Mrs. Swift looked blown away. I looked to the side to see Oliver's eyes widened, but soft. We all just swapped expressions while we waited for a waiter.

The cold, night air felt good after the huge lobster I had for dinner. Oliver was in a corner, talking on the phone with his mom. I took deep breaths while I waited for him. When he finally came back, he looked at me and sighed. "What?" I looked up at him, slightly worried. "My little sister is using my room as a party house. I can't go home tonight," he said, somewhat depressed. "Well, you could always stay at my apartment," I suggested. "Okay," Oliver looked at me and smiled. I smiled back as we walked over to the car.

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