Chapter 8

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That night, Oliver and I ordered pizza and worked on tracking the Arrow. "This guy leaves absolutely no resources for me to track or trace!" I threw my hands in the air in frustration. Oliver smiled to himself and faced me. "I think that's the point, Felicity. Why else would he wear a mask and cover his face with a hood?" He laughed. "Well, he's not exactly the nicest guy." I rolled my eyes. "Oh. And what makes you say that?" He crossed his arms and acted like I offended him. "Well, for starters, he murders people," I walked up to him, just so our faces were inches away. He smiled down at me. "Murdered." "You know, just a few hours ago, you were calling the vigilante a psycho." I smiled back at him. "Well, that's because I don't want you to get hurt." He wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around his neck. "Why don't we call it a night? Hmm?" I hummed into his shirt as he pulled me in for a hug. He pulled me out of his embrace and said, "I thought you'd never ask."

My head bobbed up and down to the beat of the music. Ring ring! I looked at my phone and checked the caller ID. As always, Oliver Queen❤️. I went to answer the phone when it slipped out of my hand and fell into the crack between my seat and middle holdy thingy. With one hand on the steering wheel, I bent down, ever so often looking at the road, I fished for my phone. My fingers got a hold of it and pulled it up. I looked to see that my phone stopped ringing and Oliver left a voicemail. I unlocked my phone to call Oliver back when my car turned into a bumper car. A semi hit the side of my car with extreme force. The air bags immediately opened, hitting my face like a punching bag. My car, not only flipped over, but skidded to the other side of the intersection. When I thought it was over, another car hit the front end of my car sending it to the side where it first was. My head was jerked to the left where I hit it. My eyes shut close as I lost consciousness.

"What happened?" I looked around and saw a car completely flipped over. The traffic around was stopped, so I ran over. I looked into the broken window to see none other, but myself. "How?" I whispered to myself. I stood back up and saw people getting out of their cars and calling the police. One lady right beside me was looking right through me, explaining to the police what happened. Wait, is that Thea?! "Yeah, my sister-in-law's car is completely flipped over," she said into the phone. I could hear sirens in the distance. As they neared, the stopped traffic cleared a path for the police to go through. Several police cars, two ambulances, and three fire trucks came in and made a circle. The firefighters rushed out of the red engine to safely pull me out of the car. They laid me down on a bright yellow stretcher and rolled me into the ambulance. The ambulance raced to the hospital.

Breathing heavily, I shot up. Oliver was already up, trying to wake me. "Felicity?" he said softly. His warm hand was holding mine. Up until now, I never noticed how perfectly my small hand fits in his larger one. I didn't answer him. I felt warm tears dripping down my face. Oliver realized and pulled me into his chest. He used his hand to brush my hair. His other hand was rubbing circles on my upper back. "It was just a nightmare," he whispered into my ear, past my blond hair. I put my arms around him and started crying into his warm, shirtless torso. "It's okay," Oliver cooed into my ear, time after time. After a solid thirty minutes of crying, I fell asleep leaning against Oliver's chest.

The rest of the night was free of terrifying nightmares. I woke up, snuggling my favorite teddy bear, with my face deep in a pillow. I turned my head, with my blurry morning vision, and saw Oliver's body up against mine, his arm draped over my waist. He had bags underneath his eyes, noting that he didn't sleep well last night. Probably my fault. I was about to get up to make breakfast when I remembered something. Oliver's a light sleeper. If I move out of bed, it'll just wake him up, leaving him sleep deprived. So, I stayed in bed, thinking of various things. All of them eventually lead up to the Arrow. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Oliver stirred in his sleep. I turned around and saw his perfect blue eyes staring at me. He smiled. "No more nightmares?" he asked. "Nope," I smiled at him. He lifted a hand and cupped my cheek. "Good." His lips came closer and closer until they were kissing mine. It was small, more of a peck than an actual kiss kiss.

"You hungry?" he asked after we pulled apart. "No. You?" I asked. "Nope. Well, since we're not eating this morning," he got up and put his naked back against the headboard. "I wanna know more about your past," Oliver said with a smirk on his face. Although it was small, it spoke millions of words. I considered the thought as I sat up. "Well, my past wasn't completely filled with... People," I said after a slight pause. Oliver tilted his head and gave me a questioning look. "When I was younger," I started explaining. "I... Didn't have a lot of friends. I was that one nerdy girl with the braces and the glasses and the one who couldn't run for five minutes straight without having to stop. Nobody ever noticed me. I was like, this ghost. And because of my lack of friends, I spent a lot of time at home."

"When I wasn't taking apart or reassembling computers, I was riding horses or racing with my older brother." Oliver was listening intently. "My brother was probably one of the only friends I ever had. But that changed. When my parents died," I took a deep breath before I continued. "My brother and I... We grew apart. More like fell apart, actually. My brother, he was always out until like three in the morning. After a couple of weeks, he stopped coming back all together."

"In the end, I was always alone in that big house. Every so often, I would go out back to talk to one of our horses. When I couldn't afford the lease of the house anymore, I came to Starling. To live with my best friend, Dylan. I stayed there until I could get on my feet. And when I did, I rented this apartment and went job hunting. Eventually, I came to you and your company." I finished my story with tears threatening to surface and fall. Oliver's hand fell on top of mine. He gave me a sad smile. "So, that's mine. What about yours? Your past?" I broke the whole 'sad past, reliving' thing and asked him. He smiled and started talking.

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