Chapter 5

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I drove back home internally screaming! Oliver Queen, the hot billionaire, asked me to join him at dinner!! I wasn't paying attention to the road or the traffic. The only thing I was paying attention was the thought of Oliver Queen. Somehow, I made it back home without any trouble. I walked into my apartment to see Carrie eating MY chocolate ice cream while watching TV. I didn't care. Carrie seemed to have noticed me walking into the kitchen and jumped up, spilling the chocolate ice cream all over her. "Hey, how'd it go?" She ran up to me, her and her brown stains. "Well, I'm not the head," I said looking down. Carrie's face fell. "Aw, Lis, I'm sorry." I looked up at her and let out a huge smile. "Instead I'm his secretary!" Carrie screamed and jumped up and down. She threw her arms around me. "OMG! That's amazing! What else happened?!" Carrie grabbed my hand and dragged me over to that hideous yellow couch my mom bought me. I sat down and started talking. "Well, he asked me to dinner," I said, scared of what she would do next. "Oh my god! Oh my god! OH MY GOD!! YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH OLIVER QUEEN!!!!!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. "Shush, Carrie! And no. It's a business dinner," I tried to explain, but she wouldn't take shit. "Girl! Whatever that boy said to you, he's taking you on a date," she said calmly, but sassy. "There are gonna be other people, too," I gave her a look that said she was ridiculous. "Mm hmm," Carrie said. "Anyway, I have to go." Carrie got up and headed for the door. "Wait, wait, wait." I grabbed her wrist. She turned to face me. "I need to go shopping. Come with me?" Carrie clapped her hands in delight. "Yay! Let's go!" I grabbed my purse and headed out the door for the second time today.

Carrie dragged me into Forever 21 for some reason. I tried to resist but Carrie was stronger than me. "Car, what are we doing here?" I asked her while she started throwing clothes off the racks. "You need to wear something sexy," she said, her ace scrunched up in concentration. "Are you serious? It's just a business dinner!" I tried to pull her away from the short dresses, but she refused. "No." She looked at me and glared. "It is NOT just a business dinner! This is a business dinner with Oliver fucking Queen!" Carrie exclaimed. "You have to wear something sexy." She pulled out a black and gold sleeveless dress and handed it to me. "Go try that on," Carrie demanded of me. "What? No!" There is no way I'm wearing this to a business date... Dinner. It's a dinner. "Go!" I put my hands up in surrender and walked over to the dressing rooms while Carrie looked through more tight, short dresses.

I walked into the enclosed rectangle and shut the door. I sighed. I can't believe she wants to wear something like this to a business date. Dinner. Get that in your head, Mrs. Queen. NO! No, not yet! Oh my god, I keep doing this! I shut my eyes and turned off my brain. I stripped my body of clothes and got into the dress, one leg at a time. When I got into the dress, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The dress hugged my figure perfectly. It complimented my curves generously. I turned around, my feet still anchored to the ground, to see every side. Once I was finally okay with the appearance, I walked out of the dressing room to walk smack into Carrie. She took a step back and admire my body and the cloth covering it. "Wow. Just wow! I love it!" Carrie exclaimed. I nervously chuckled. "I-I really don't think I should wear this there. I would wear it if I went to a club or something," I told her. "Don't." She put a finger up in front of my face. "No. You are wearing this dress and that's that. Now all we need to do is get you a pair of shoes." I groaned. "Really? I have tons of shoes at home!" I argued. "Yes, but do you have ones like these?" She pulled out a pair of gorgeous golden pumps from behind her back. I gasped. Those are-are amazing! "Oh my god!" "Right? C'mon, I'll pay." I honestly would've argued with her, but I was tired of arguing. So, I nodded and changed out.

When I got home, I flipped done on the bed. It was so soft. It smells like Oliver. I smiled at my awkwardness. Now I'm gonna take pride in it. Carrie had dropped me off at home with my new dress and heels and went home. Tomorrow is the dinner with Oliver. I hope I don't screw everything up. Right then, I thought of every possible way that I could embarrass myself. What if I get up and I spill something? What if I spill it on Oliver? What if I spill it on both of us?! Damn it! I'm so clumsy! Lost in my thoughts, my eyelids got heavier and heavier. Then, all at once, I fell asleep.

Buzz buzz! My phone, along with my bedside table, vibrated. With heavy eyes and blurry vision, I looked at who texted me. Oliver Queen. Of course, I thought with a smile. With that thought, I read the text. Felicity, at 8 o'clock tonight, please meet me at Queen Mansion. I assume you know where it is? I'll drive you to the restaurant from there ;D. Queen Mansion? That big place? With all the judgmental rich people and their bodyguards? I dismissed the thought and got up. I need coffee. Or something stronger. I don't really know. I walked into the kitchen and searched through my refrigerator. OJ, apple juice, milk, chocolate milk. Seeing as there was nothing stronger than coffee in there, I closed it. I stumbled over to the couch and plopped down. Once I'm not as tired, I'll go get Starbucks.

By the time I was supposed to get ready to go to Queen Mansion, I hadn't had one drop of coffee or anything besides water. Gravity was getting better of me, but I pushed it away. I have to meet Oliver tonight. It's my first night, I can't just screw it up. I walked into my room and got out the tight dress that Carrie paid for. I stripped naked and walked over to my dresser. I got out a strapless black bra and black laced panties. I slipped those on before walking into my dress. I had curled my hair earlier and let it flow down my back. I put in my contacts, which made my light blue eyes seem brighter, and looked at myself in the mirror. Just like in the dressing room, the tight black and gold dress made my figure stand out (in a good way). I put on the gold pumps that I got just the day before and headed towards Oliver Queen's house.

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