Chapter 15

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Our bed shook as Tyson jumped on it. "Mommy! Daddy! Happy birfday to me!" Tyson yelled in excitement. Oliver and I shot up in realization. Our baby turned 3 today! "Happy birthday, baby!" I yelled as Oliver and I jumped on him. He started laughing uncontrollably as we tickled him. After a while, we stopped for a breather. I got up off the bed and got dressed. "I'm gonna make breakfast. Pancakes!" I sung. I looked at them with a smile. They both threw their heads back, eyes closed in delight, smiles as wide as Canada on their faces. "Mm, I love pancakes!" Oliver said as Tyson exclaimed, "I wuv pancakes!" Like father, like son. I giggled and went downstairs.

As Tyson and Oliver stomped down the stairs, I put two chocolate chip pancakes on three plates. Oliver came running into the kitchen with Tyson bouncing up and down on his shoulders. They both sniffed the delicious aroma. Oliver sighed in delight and came up to me. He planted a kiss on my lips and said, "Another thing I missed." I smiled and sat down at the table while Oliver put Ty down in his "baby seat" as Thea would call it. We devoured the pancakes in minutes. I wiped my mouth with a napkin and got up. I put the plate in the sink and walked over to Oliver. I put my arms around him. "Your mother called." "And?" Oliver said, looking at me over his shoulder. "And she's throwing Tyson a birthday party," I answered, putting my chin on his shoulder. "Well, do you really think we should go? I mean, you did just wake up," he said as he kissed my arms in several places. "I'm fine, Ollie. And I think it'll be fun. I mean, he does only turn three once." We both looks over at our baby who was in his own world, playing with his food. We smiled. Oliver gave in. "Okay, we'll go. But, after, I have something to show you." He stood up and kissed me. "Okay."

After I cleaned Tyson up, he started whining. "Mommy! Daddy! I wanna watch Nemo!" he jumped up and down. "Okay, okay," Oliver chuckled. Tyson jumped on his back. Oliver ran into the living room and threw him down on the couch. I walked behind them and sat on the couch. Oliver grabbed the remote and played "Nemo". Oliver dropped the remote and lied down on the couch. He dropped his head into my lap. My hand raked through his short sandy blonde hair. My other hand trailed up and down his body as his hand rubbed my thigh.

Halfway through the movie, Tyson fell asleep on the carpet. Oliver grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. Oliver got up and looked at me. I stared into his eyes as he stared into mine. "What?" I broke the silence. "I'll show you." Oliver leaned in and put his lips up against mine. He deepened the kiss. He pushed me down on to the couch. I tried to use my arms to push him off but he grabbed my arms and put them up and to either side of me. I gave in and tangled my leg with his leg. Our lips moved in sync as well as our bodies. I moaned as he pecked my neck. His mouth was on mine when Tyson woke up. "Mommy?" he said, slightly groggy. Oliver got off of me as I picked Tyson up. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" I asked him. I rocked him back and forth in comfort. Oliver put a hand on my back. "I'm hungry," Tyson pouted. "Okay. Daddy, could you get Ty some Froot Loops, please?" I looked at Oliver and then back at Tyson. "Yeah." Oliver planted a kiss on Tyson's head and went into the kitchen. "After your snack, you gotta get ready, okay?" I told him. "Why?" he asked. "Because we gotta go to Granma's house," I answered. Tyson's mouth made an 'O' shape.

Oliver walked back into the room with a bowl full of colorful and delicious Cheerios. "Yay!" Tyson jumped out of my lap and into Oliver's arms. Oliver picked him up with one arm and gave him the Froot Loops. Oliver kissed his temple and put him down. Tyson ran up to his room while Oliver flopped down next to me. He put his arm around my shoulders. I rested my head on his shoulder as he started talking. "Are you sure you wanna go?" he asked while he nibbled on my ear. "I'm sure, Baby. It's for Tyson," I smiled. "Okay." He also smiled. He got up and offered me his hand. "We should get ready." I took his hand and we walked upstairs to our room.

I walked out of the bathroom a half an hour later in a long, cotton red dress. My hair is put up in a messy bun and there's a light layer of makeup applied to my face. I walked out to see Oliver in a blue button-up shirt and dark jeans. He looked up from his phone and looked at me. Oliver's face broke into a large smile. Which made me smile, of course. "Felicity, you look absolutely gorgeous." He walked over to me and put an arm around my waist. He pulled me closer to him. "You don't look too bad yourself." I smiled and quickly kissed him. We pulled apart and I laughed. "What?" Oliver asked, smiling. "You look amazing in red lipstick," I said, wiping the lipstick off his lips. He chuckled.

Knock knock! "Mommy? Daddy?" Tyson's voice rang from the other side. "Ty, you can come inside, baby," I yelled so he could hear. The large door opened and a small boy walked through the opening. "Come on!" Tyson ran up to us and pulled on our hands. "Let's go!!" he whined. I giggled and kneeled down so his eyes met mine. I looked at his outfit which was put on backwards. Well, only his shirt. I started to unbutton his shirt when Tyson ripped off his own shirt. Oliver started laughing from above me. I also let out a few chuckles. I took the shirt he threw off and put it on Tyson correctly. Tyson then went running downstairs while I stood up and Oliver put his arms around my waist once again. He kissed the top of my head as I said, "There is no question that's your son." Oliver gave me a questioning look. "He likes being shirtless," I whispered in his ear. He chuckled as we went downstairs to head for Queen Mansion.

"Uncle Roy!!!" Tyson jumped into Roy's arms as he opened the door. Roy lifts him off the ground and spun him around, imitating an airplane noise. Oliver and I laughed until Roy put him down. "Hey," he came up and hugged me. "Hi," I hugged him back. Roy held out his hand and shook Oliver's hand. We walked down the hall into the living room where Walter, Moira, Thea, Dig, Lyla, Sara and Laurel were all talking and laughing. Once they saw us, they jumped up and hugged us. Sara and Thea ran up to Tyson and threw him up in the air. "Happy birthday, baby boy!" they all screamed in excitement. "Yay! Happy birfday to me!" Tyson clapped his hands in joy. Tyson jumped out of Thea's arms and ran around the huge living room. As Roy, Thea, and Sara started a game of tag with Tyson, Moira brought out an ice cream cake for Tyson to cut.

As soon as Ty got a glimpse of his Batman ice cream cake, he ran at top speed over to the table where it was. He climbed up on a chair and jumped up and down. Diggle lit the candles. We all joined in a chorus of "Happy Birthday" with clapping and hugging. After we finished our rendition, Tyson blew out the bright candles with a wide spray of spit. He then picked up a plastic knife and started slitting the cake.

While we were watching Roy shove Tyson's face in his cake, Diggle came over to us with a worried look. I noticed this and also got worried. "What's wrong, John?" I asked him. "Do you smell that?" he questioned, getting Oliver's attention. "What smell?" Oliver asked, eyebrows furrowed. "Smells like a bomb," Diggle explained when he pinpointed the smell. They stopped talking and heard a faint beeping sound. Oliver's eyes widened in terror. "We need to get everybody out of here. Now!" he ordered. Diggle rushed in the room where everyone was laughing and eating, trying to get everyone out. Everyone ran out of the house. We also ran out of the house. Oliver did a head count and got this look on his face. "What?" I put my hand on his arm. "Where's Thea?" he asked. "She was in the bathroom," Roy answered. "We have to get her out of there!"

Oliver ran for the mansion. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm. He stopped and turned around. "Oliver, you can't go in there! The bomb's about to go off any minute!" I begged him. I knew it was his little sister. She was mine, too. "Felicity, I can't leave her in there," he looked at me with pleading eyes. "I can't lose you," I said so softly, it was like a whisper. Oliver looked at me in sadness. "Ollie, what am I gonna tell Ty when he's older? That his dad died on his birthday?" My voice broke and tears were threatening to pour out. Oliver put both his hands on my cheeks and pressed his lips against mine. It was short, but passionate. He pulled away and put his forehead up to mine. "I love you." He sprinted into the mansion to get Thea out of there.

From behind me, John was yelling at me to get into the car. I didn't move at all, just waiting for Oliver and his little sister to come back. A minute or so later, Thea came running out. She ran into Roy's arms and hugged him. "Where's Oliver?" I asked her. "I don't know. I think he's still in there," Thea said still in Roy's embrace. As Thea said those words, I felt like I got punched in the gut. Like all the air got knocked out of me. I ran towards the mansion to go get Oliver when the mansion turned into dust.

A surge of heat and light came from the house as bits and pieces flew everywhere. An exploding sound rang through the night air. "NOOOOO!" I sprinted towards the flying rubble. Roy let go of Thea as he and Dig ran towards me and held me back, each holding an arm. I tried resisting but was unable to. Roy pulled me into his embrace as tears poured out of my eyes. I still looked at the remains of Queen Mansion, although it was blurry from the tears still forming in my eyes. "OLIVER!!!!! NOOO-OO!!!" My voice broke and I sobbed into Roy's chest. He pulled me in closer and raked his hand through my hair. The only word that managed to leave my mouth was "Oliver".

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