Chapter 14

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"Mommy?" I heard a little boy say beside me. I opened my eyes to the blood orange afternoon sun. The white walls that surrounded me were blinding. I looked to my right to see Oliver walking towards me, holding Tyson's hand. "Hey, Baby." He leaned in to kiss me. I returned his sweet kiss. "H-how long have I been in here?" I struggled with my words as we let go. "Four months." Diggle walked in with Roy and Thea following. "WHAT?!" I tried to get up but fell back down in pain. I cried out unintentionally. "Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy." Oliver put a hand on my stomach to calm me down. "What happened?" I asked, weakly. Oliver looked from Diggle to Roy to Thea and then back at me. "Fel, you got in an accident." I licked my lips. How could I not remember that? "What kind of accident?" I asked hesitantly. "A car accident. Your car flipped upside down. You hit your head, causing you to slip into a coma," Roy answered for Oliver who looked too hurt to relive it. Oliver looked down. I could see his eyes watering. I quickly grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He looked at me and gave me a sad smile. I smiled back.

"Mommy!" Tyson ran up and tried to jump on me. Oliver quickly grabbed him and swung him to the side. I giggled before I stopped in pain. I closed my eyes and dealt with the pain. I felt a warm hand on my head. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Oliver. He had worry in his eyes, but forced a smile, for Tyson's sake. "Mommy, why were you sweeping for a long long long long time?" My baby came up to me and asked. Tears pricked my eyes as I smiled. "Ty, I-I'm sorry," I said. Tyson hugged my arm while my hand was still in Oliver's. "I misshed you, Mama," he said into my skin. My insides turned into feather pillows. I felt all warm and fuzzy inside when he said that to me. A year made its way down my face and onto the linoleum floor. Oliver put a hand up to my cheek and cupped it. "You're finally coming home." His voice broke. His blue eyes were swimming. I let out a breathy laugh. "Yeah."

I was patiently waiting in a chair while Oliver filled out my discharge papers right next to me. My head was resting on his shoulder while Tyson was softly snoring in my lap. My hand combed through his short blond hair. Whenever I looked at him, I saw Oliver. He had so much of Oliver's features: his beautiful, blue-gray eyes, soft sandy blonde hair, his strength and courage. Tyson's smarter than the average 2-year-old. Oliver says that he gets that from me. Oliver got up to turn the papers into a woman behind the front desk. He handed the papers in and walked back to me.

Oliver took Tyson off of me and held out a hand. I grabbed it and stood up. Without a word, we walked out of the his hospital doors and into the car. "How bad was it?" I broke the silence by asking Oliver a question. "What?" he said, briefly looking at me, then back at the road. "The accident. How bad was it?" I asked again, this time more clearly. Oliver sighed, clearly not wanting to repeat the past but did anyway. "Well, it was pretty bad, Lis. Uh, you were crossing an intersection when this truck ran a red light. He hit the car which made it flip over. Then another car from the other side wasn't paying attention so he hit the other side of your car," Oliver said sadly. I could see the pain in his eyes. "You-you were rushed to the hospital and within a 2 day span, your heart stopped... 3 times. I-I I couldn't cope with what happened. I just..." I reached over and grabbed Oliver's hand and I squeezed it. Tears were forming in his eyes. They showed how hard it was for him almost losing me. He does love me. He squeezed my hand back. I could see a small smile spread across his face.

Oliver walked into our house, carrying a sleeping Tyson. Oliver walked upstairs to put Tyson down as I walked into the kitchen. Well I haven't eaten anything in four months. Now, I think I get chocolate. I walked over to the large wooden cabinets and opened them. I clawed through a bunch of stuff, but when I found my 'secret' stash of Hershey's chocolate bars, I let out a sigh of relief. I grabbed one and tore open the wrapper. I took a big, luscious bite and closed my eyes in delight. I was about to take another bite when I felt two, big arms wrap around my waist. I smiled and turned my head to look at Oliver. He moaned, then he trailed kisses up and down my neck. He took his lips off of my neck and put them to my ear. "I missed you so much," he whispered. I turned my body and I kissed him. My arms wrapped around his neck as his arms rewrapped around my waist. He pulled me closer. Oliver started walking towards me, so I walked backwards. I slammed into a wall. Our lips never parted as Oliver pulled my legs onto his waist. Oliver walked up the stairs with me holding on to him like a monkey. Still kissing, he softly put me down on the bed and climbed on top of me.

His hands trailed up my body until he reached the top of my tank top. Our lips parted as he took it off. His lips smashed into mine, pinning me to our bed. Oliver's hands traveled to my back and unhooked my bra. He grabbed it and threw it to the side. His kisses progressed lower and lower until they reached the bottom of my torso. He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down, along with my panties. His lips went back to mine, so I grabbed his buttoned up shirt and ripped it apart. I did the same thing to his pants and boxers... Figuratively, of course. It feels so good to have him back inside me. I smiled and enjoyed the moment.

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