Chapter 7

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I woke up with my head on Oliver's bare chest. The soothing sound of his breathing lulled me to sleep the night before. His chest was rising and falling. I looked up and eyed his face. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. It was kind of sexy, too. I don't even know why! I smiled. With nothing to do, I fell back asleep.

I felt a wet kiss on my forehead. I forced my eyelids open. When they did, I stared right into the gorgeous blue eyes of Oliver Queen. "Hey," he said. "Hi," I said back to him. There was something familiar about his eyes. Like I'd seen them before. But where? "I'm gonna go make us some pancakes." He winked at me and got out of bed. "Mm." I closed my eyes in delight. "I love pancakes!" He smiled at me. "I know," he whispered. With that, he walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. What am I doing? I had sex with him and I just met him. Although, for some reason, it feels like I've known him longer.

I got up and walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped. Oh. My. God! I look terrible! Well, my hair does. My hair looked like a mop that went through a shredder and got stitched back together by a two-year-old. I opened a drawer and picked out a brush. I put the brush up to my head and raked it through my hair until it looked perfect. Well, I think. I put the brush away and got out a brush blue hair tie to put my hair up. As I wrapped it around my hair, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. A pair of lips kissed up and down my neck. I looked over my shoulder to see Olivet pecking at my neck. I moaned. He took his lips away from my neck and brought them up to my ear. "Breakfast's ready," he whispered. Then, he went back to kissing my neck. I put a hand on his head to keep him there. He put his arm behind my knees and picked me up bridal style. Oliver's lips met mine. He walked into the kitchen and set me down on a chair. I took my lips off of his and looked at the plate in front of me. There was a stack of pancakes with glistening maple syrup poured on top. A glass of orange juice sat next to it. "You did this?" I asked him, simply amazed. A smile grew on both of our faces. "Yeah," he answered.

We started eating when Oliver's phone rang. "Damn it," Oliver cursed under his breath. He dug through his pockets of his pants and pulled the phone out. He pressed the green answer button and held it up to his ear. "Dig," he said into the phone. Dig? As in Diggle? As in John Diggle? His bodyguard? I stopped thinking and started listening. "Okay, I'll be there." He ended the call and got up. "I'm sorry, Felicity, I have to go." He walked towards the door. "What? Where?" I also got up. "Verdant." With that, he left. "I wouldn't mind going to a club," I said to myself. It was then when I lost my appetite. I took the plates and put them next to the sink. I walked into my bedroom and flopped down on the bed. I honestly thought that I would lay down and think about stuff. Instead, I fell asleep for half of the day.

I woke up to see nothing but blackness. I perked my head up but shot back down after a sharp pain went through my temple. I tried to move my hands but they were cuffed behind my back. I looked around and saw nothing. I was laying on what seemed like the cold floor of a warehouse basement. A heavy door opened and a huge man walked in. "Hello, Miss. Smoak," his voice echoed through the hollow cube. "Who are you?!" I yelled at him. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He came dangerously close to me. "What do you want from me?!" I ignored his question. "It's nothing personal, Felicity." He grabbed my neck and pulled me up. He walked over to the wall holding me by my neck. I grabbed on to his arm, trying to pry it away from my neck. My eyes rolled to the back of my head when a different, a deeper voice rang through the room. "Let. Her. Go," he spoke firmly. "Not a chance, vigilante," the man strangling me spat. The other man shot what looked like an arrow at my capturer's hand. He dropped me and I fell to the ground. I coughed violently as the vigilantes and the "criminal" fought. As my coughing fit ended, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, scared, just to see a man in a green hood. "You-you're th-the Arrow," I got out. "Are you okay?" he asked me. I just nodded. "Good. Let's get you home."

The Arrow picked me up and we rode to my apartment. Holding on to me tightly, platonic, very, very platonic. Wait, I haven't even seen his face yet, or ever, he swung up to my door. "Here you go," he said. I fished through my purse for my keys. Once I found them, I looked up to thank the green vigilante. He left. Oh well. I opened the door and stumbled inside. I threw my purse to side after locking the door behind me. My back hit the door and I slid down. I put my face in my hands and started crying. I nearly died tonight. As if my brother and I didn't go through enough with my mom and dad dying, what would happen to Nick or Dylan, for that matter, if I died? I mean, Nick would be completely crushed. Dylan, he's my best friend, I don't know how he would react. Next life-threatening situation I'm in or I'm getting myself in, first person I'm calling is Dylan and telling him I love him. In a friendly way. I don't know why, but I feel like I absolutely love Oliver. Like I've known him longer. I mean, how did he know that I loved pancakes? What if that's just a coincidence? It couldn't though. Oliver said that he didn't do romance, but a day after I supposedly met him, we had sex. And his dad died that day. You know, I never gave my condolences to the Queen family. Then again, Robert died yesterday.

My thoughts were interrupted by a rapping at the door. "Felicity, could you open the door? It's Oliver," Oliver's voice rang from the other side of the door. I quickly wiped my face clear of all tears and opened the door. "He-," Oliver pulled me into a hug. He held me there for a moment before pulling me out of his embrace. "Are you okay?" He put his hands on my cheeks. I gave into his touch and rested my face in his palms. "I'm fine," I assured him. "Are you sure?" He searched my eyes for any secrets. "Well, besides the fact that he nearly choked me to death, I'm okay," I decided to tell him the truth. "Wait, he choked you?!" Oliver brushed the hair out of my face. I just nodded. His eyes full of sympathy, his lips touched mine. Apparently, sympathy and sadness can reach the lips, I thought as I kissed him back. We pulled away. "I never said thank you, though," I said as I looked down. "What?" Oliver rubbed my arms with his hands. "The Arrow. He saved me and I didn't get to say thank you," I explained. "Well, you're not considering hunting him down, are you?" Oliver seemed worried. I looked up in wonder. Wait, maybe I should find him. "Are you kidding?! That guy's a psycho!" Oliver's eyes were clouded with fear, with some reason. "How would you know?" I asked Oliver, realizing that I said that out loud. "Well, my baby sister's boyfriend... He... His idol, the Arrow, shot him with an arrow," he said. "Oliver, it's not like I'm gonna do anything but say thank you. The Arrow must have his reasons," I tried explaining to him. Why are we acting like an old married couple? "Oliver, will you help me or not?" I asked him, slightly irritated. "Fine," he gave up.

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