Chapter 9

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"My life was pretty boring," Oliver simply stated. "That can't be true. Oliver Queen. Billionaire playboy. Well, before you were... You know. Shipwrecked." Once I realized I was babbling, I shut up. Oliver chuckled. "Well, yeah. That was... That. Not really proud of that, though," he said. I gave him a questioning look. "Well, my parents were always fighting. Me being a playboy, having sex with every girl that passed by, getting drunk or high or arrested... It didn't help matters any," he explained. I nodded my head. "And when I came back from Lian Yu, I spotted my sister at a club. I told her to go home and she told me not to judge her because she became me. But, five years back. And she was right. I didn't have the right to judge her." Oliver licked his lips.

"On that island, I wasn't alone. There were people there. Good and bad. A month after the Gambit capsized, I met two people named Slade and Shado. We became friends and they taught me how to fight and survive on Lian Yu. Eventually, Shado died and Slade became one of the bad guys." "They would torture me and I-I just... I always told people that I was alone because I don't want people to... To give me sympathy. The fact that I came out of that mess, alive, is a miracle."

"Also, I can't completely, remember, what happened before the Queen's Gambit went down. Well, except for Laurel," he said. "Laurel Lance? The assistant DA?" I asked, trying to clarify. Oliver nodded and continued his story. "When I came back, I started shutting people out. Mostly my family. When I was in that island, all I could think about was getting home to them, but when I got back, I pushed them away. I distanced myself. And when I finally opened up, my ex-girlfriend was getting more intimate, my best friend hated me. My ex-girlfriend's father hated me. It was a mess. I was always running around, stressing out on the inside but not showing it on the outside. That is, until I met you." He smiled at me. "When I first met you, I felt like you were... And still are the only person I can be completely truthful with." I felt my cheeks burn a million degrees. I bet if I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror, my face would be as red as a baboon's butt.

"You can tell me anything," I smiled back at him. "I know this is weird and I know we just met, but I feel like I've known you longer." His hand hovered over mine for a second before he put it down. His eyes filled with sadness. "What?" I asked, looking into his eyes for answers. "You have no idea how much I love you," he said. His lips reached mine. They were moving in sync as Oliver put his arms around my waist and pulled me nearer. I got slight control of myself and sat on his lap. His hand went under my shirt. His warm hands were exploring my back as my hand was in his soft sandy blond hair. As we were kissing, I felt a warm liquid rubbing up against my face. I pulled my lips away from Oliver's and saw that it was his tears.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. I put my hands on his cheeks and rubbed the salty drop of emotion away. "You wouldn't understand." He looked down as his hands rubbed up and down my back. "Okay," I said dropping it. "I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be right back." I pecked his lips and climbed into the small lavatory.

I turned around and locked the door. I stripped my clothes off and got into the shower. I turned the knob to let the hot water pour on top of me as I drifted away into a paradise. Not really. The steam surrounded me like a fog. Then I started thinking. Why was Oliver crying? Or getting emotional? Did something happen? I should ask him. What if he feels like I'm pressuring him? UGHHHH! I grabbed the tube of shampoo and squirted a little bit of it in my hand. I lathered it in and out of my hair. The second I walked into the waterfall of steaming rain, the shampoo dripped down my face and body and into the drain. After putting in the conditioner and letting that run down the drain, I grabbed the shower pouf and covered my body, head to toe, in body wash. With that running down and become a whirlpool before going down the drain, I stayed in the shower as long as I could. The refreshing feeling of water being poured on to me in a seductive was was relaxing. Like for 20 minutes, the weight of the world was off of my shoulders.

I turned the knob so the water's downpour ceased. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body, just above my boobs. I climbed out of the shower and walked over to where my clothes were laid out. I slipped on a pair of panties and wiggled into a laced bra. I dropped my towel and threw on some shorts and a tank top. I got out a smaller towel and walked out of the bathroom, drying my hair. I walked into my bedroom to see Oliver wasn't there. With thoughts rolling through my brain and a confused look on my face, I walked into the living room. Did he leave? I dropped the towel and ran to go fetch my phone. I was gonna call him when I saw a text from "Oliver Queen". Sorry, Felicity, but something came up. I'll be back tonight. Love you. I sighed. "Always leaving... That's Oliver," I said like I knew him for 6 years.

I threw my phone on my bed and fell on the mattress right next to it. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. In my dream, why did Thea call me her sister-in-law? Was I married to Oliver at the time? Wait, is that gonna happen in the future? Wait, I'm getting married to Oliver?! No! I shot up, my eyes wide open. "It was just a dream. Why am I overthinking this?" I asked myself a rhetorical question. I shook it off, along with the dream and walked over to my closet. I need to talk to Dylan. I rummaged through my clothes until I found something decent. I threw it on, slipped on my heeled black boots, grabbed my purse and walked out of my apartment.

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