Chapter 11

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We neared a large metal door that led into the basement. He punched in the code, 141, and took me downstairs. Coming down the stairs, I could hear a loud whacking sound coming from in the middle as well as Oliver's large footsteps. At the bottom of the medal steps, Oliver set me down gently into the cold, gray cement. Once the men who were whacking sticks at each other realized we were in their "lair", they stopped and walked over to us. Oliver's sweaty bodyguard held out his hand for me to take, which I did. "Nice to see you again, Miss. Smoak," he said as we shook hands. "Same to you, Mr. Diggle. And please call me Felicity," I suggested, smiling. "Okay, Felicity. Call me Diggle," the shirtless chocolate man smiled back. I nodded once to show him that I would. My gaze shifted to the smaller, younger man who was also shirtless. I made the first move. "Hi, Felicity Smoak." I held out my minuscule hand. He took it and smiled. "Roy Harper," he stated. Our hands came apart and I shook my head in confusion. Wanting to clear things up, I started asking questions. "Wait, Roy Harper? As in the Roy Harper dating Oliver's little sister?" I moved my hands in a gesturing way. Mr. Harper smiled widely and nodded.

"So... You... Know that Oliver's the Arrow?" I looked from Roy to Oliver then back at Roy. "Yeah. Yeah, I-they call me Arsenal," Roy said, still smiling. "So, Oliver shot you with an Arrow?" I scrunched up my face in confusion. "Yeah... Not proud of it," Oliver looked down, trying to suppress a smile. "Okay... Well, considering I know all of this, mind telling me who the Canary is?" I looked at everyone. Oliver opened his mouth to talk, but he was interrupted by a feminine voice from the far corner of the basement. A short, blond woman erupted from the darkness and walked over. "Sara Lance." "Felicity Smoak. Wait, Sara Lance?" The beautiful blond nodded suspiciously. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" I asked cautiously. "Well, I was," Sara admitted. "Wait, h-how would you know?" Oliver asked from behind me. I looked behind me and started explaining. "You know how I was telling you about Dylan?" Oliver nodded. "Well, he was telling me about it. Apparently they're cousins," I looked up at him. "Wait, are you CeCe?" I turned around to see Sara's face breaking out into a huge smile. "Yeah?" I said. Sara let out a laugh. "Dill Pickle talks too much about you!" she said.

"Wait, why?" I asked. "He had the biggest crush on you! I think he still does," Sara focused in on my blue eyes. I felt a warm breath on the back of my neck. I also heard a groan. If I'm correct, Oliver just rolled his eyes in jealously. "Yeah, he definitely does." I rolled my eyes, suppressing a smile from Oliver's outburst of jealous rage. "You wanna grab a coffee or something?" Sara asked. I looked at Sara and smiled. "We can talk then." "Sure," I nodded and left... Bare foot.

Before we hit Starbucks, I asked if we could stop at my apartment for shoes. Sara laughed and agreed. Sara's motorbike skidded to a halt in front of my apartment building. I ran up the stairs and busted into my apartment. I rummaged through the tiny closet of mine until I found a cute pair of sandals. I slipped them on and sprinted back to Sara. I climbed up on to the leather seat and held on to Sara's middle as we rode downtown. Sara's bike came to a stop in the Starbucks parking lot. She turned the key which shut the machine off. Sara and I climbed off the bike and walked into Starbucks. Once we ordered, we sat down at a table and started talking.

"I see you've grown a liking for Ollie," Sara smirked as she started the conversation. "Y-yeah, but it feels like I've known him longer," I answered truthfully. "You have no idea," she said quietly. "What?" I asked. Although I heard what she said, I wanted to make sure I heard correctly. She quickly corrected her mistake by saying nothing. Why would she say I had no idea? Was she referring to the fact maybe I did know Oliver before? "So, does that mean you're in?" Sara asked. "In?" I asked, tilting my head. "Meaning, are you joining Team Arrow?" she explained. "Yes, definitely," I said, almost too fast. Sara smiled in response. "Great!"

The next night, Oliver, Sara, Diggle, and Roy went to go stop a bunch of robbers. Listening via the comms, I could tell that they were in a pickle. Oliver, every once in a while, yelled for directions. "Felicity, is there an exit upstairs?" I quickly went through all the blueprints and answered back. "No. If all the exits are blocked, you're gonna have to jump out a window," I said in worry. How the hell would they do that?! I stressed. "Ok," I heard Oliver whisper. I took a deep breath before hearing the team jump out of the windows. Within 15 minutes, they were back at the Foundry. Oliver walked over to his glass case and put his bow in place. He walked over to me and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You tired?" he asked. "Nope," I said as my computer agreed with me. "Well, that's good 'cause it seems like we have something else," Sara said as I felt her approaching the metal desk.

My fingers subconsciously flew across the keyboard, pulling up everything that was relevant to the situation. "Uh oh," I breathed. "What?" Oliver's voice boomed in my ear. "It's an abduction. Victim... Thea Queen." I looked up into his eyes and it looked like he turned from Oliver Queen into an enraged bull. "Address, Felicity. Now!" He picked up his quiver and swung around him before lifting his compact bow. 9678 Frens Street. In the Glades," I said, not looking away from the computer. Oliver stomped out the alleyway with Diggle, Roy and Sara following in the rear.

"Turn left on Frens, right here," I gave Oliver directions. "The warehouse in front of you. Be careful, Oliver," I whispered into the Bluetooth in my ear. "I love you," I heard him whisper back. "I love you, too." I closed my eyes. "I think he knows that already," a voice boomed from the back of the club's basement. I quickly spun around in my chair to see a tall man standing at the bottom of the metal stairs. He had dark, ruffled hair with a menacing look in his eyes. The face that belonged to the man seemed familiar. Once it hit me, I gasped. "Y-you're... You're Malcolm Merlyn," I got out. "Felicity, what's going on?" Oliver's voice hinted a worried tone. Not five seconds later, the comms went out. "Yes, it seems so," Merlyn smirked an evil smirk. "Why are you here?" I let the fear and worry disappear from my voice and stood up with confidence. "To do this."

Merlyn pulled out a bow and arrow from behind his back and shot it. I dove out of the way and hit the ground. As he pulled another arrow out of his quiver, I got to my feet and ran to the east wall. I pulled one of Sara's bo staffs of the wall and ducked another arrow. I ran up to the distracted archer and hit him over the head. Not leaving a mark, he grabbed his vow and swung it, trying to hit my stomach. I swerved my stomach backwards and attempted to hit him again. The metal pole hit his black bow time after time. My hands not leaving the stick, I threw it at his knees, knocking him off his feet. He quickly got up and caught me off guard. Merlyn's hands got on the bo staff and threw it to the side. He pulled me in a headlock, preventing me from breathing. My lungs caught on fire in the lack of oxygen. My eyes rolling to the back of my head, he threw me across the room. My body crashed into a wooden, breaking it in half. The Dark Archer leaving was the last thing I saw before I lost consciousness.

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