Chapter 16

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----------------2 weeks later--------------

Several people dressed in black crowded into the dark cemetery. Honoring Oliver's night job, the funeral was held when the stars came out on June 9th. Close friends of the Queen family and distant relatives went up to Thea and Moira, giving them their condolences. I felt badly for Thea. Not only did she lose her father, but now she lost her brother. Again. While unknown people filed into assigned seats, I distanced myself from everyone. Tyson was holding on to Roy's hand tightly while he was rubbing circles on a crying Thea's back. Moira had gone over to sit next to Walter. I hid in the shadow of a tree. The leaves were the brightest shade of fern green. Tears flooded my contacted eyes. Considering I had been crying the last two weeks, my eyes were rimmed with red and puffy. Completely not prepared for showing myself in front of people. Guess I have to, anyway.

Tears poured out of my eyes as Thea was eulogizing Oliver. "... and when the Queen's Gambit sunk and I lost Ollie," Thea took a deep breath before she continued. "I never I thought I'd get him back. But, when I did, I was so thankful that I got my brother back. And now that I've lost him again, I can't help but feel that he's gonna back to me. But, he's not." Thea's attempt of trying to keep it together failed as she burst into tears before she finished. She finally gave into her sadness, giving up the will to be the strong.

Since she couldn't finished her eulogy, the priest summoned me. I walked up with my black skirt shuffling behind me. When I got up there, I closed my eyes before I faced everyone. I put my mouth up to the microphone and started speaking.

"Oliver Queen wasn't the man everyone thought he was. He was better. After that island, Oliver not only seen as a billionaire playboy, but as damaged and distant as well. He, himself, admitted to have lose a piece of his souls the five years he was away." Fresh tears spilled out of my eyes and rolled down my face. "But, the truth is he survived a crucible. Oliver went through the worst kind of hell and torture there is. And he grew from it. Oliver didn't deserve what life handed to him, but I'm glad it did. Oliver Queen was the love of my life. He gave me the happiest and most memorable times I've ever had. But, I didn't truly lose him. I see him in the flowers. In all of nature. I see Oliver in our son, Tyson. But, most of all, he's in my heart." I took a ragged deep breath. "And that will never change, Oliver." I looked up to the night sky, twinkling with millions of stars. "Thank you for the best times of my life. I love you and I will never stop loving you, Ollie. That's a promise I'm never gonna break." I closed my eyes, picturing Oliver's beautiful smile, just so I felt like I was talking to him. "I never wanted our love story to end like this. I never actually wanted it to end. Some might say that even as star-crossed lovers, our happily ever after didn't last forever. But, it will, in my heart and I will forever cherish every moment of it."

After the funeral, Diggle came up behind me and offered a tissue. I gratefully took it knowing that the tear stains on my face didn't help my appearance any. He laid a chocolate hand on my shoulder in comfort. I turned to look at him with wet eyes. "It's gonna be okay, Felicity," he said as tears pricked his eyes. I buried my face in his chest. I sobbed into the comfort that was John Diggle. His arms went around me and hugged me tightly. I felt wet drops fall on my back. John was crying, too. "I can't live without him, John," I sniffed, taking my head and supporting myself. "You know, I still imagine myself as Oliver's bodyguard. I just couldn't save him." Diggle forced a sad smile. At that, my tears made their way down my red face on their own.

The guests left at about ten o'clock that night. After saying goodbye to Diggle and Roy who were the last ones to leave, I walked up to our bedroom. I quietly opened the door and walked in. I looked around and I guess savored the moment. This room was so empty. I looked at the huge bed on the opposite side of the room. It was perfectly made by Raisa that morning. White linen sheets hugging every corner of the mattress. A warm green comforter on top. I smiled as I remembered those morning when the bed would look like a hot mess after the events that happened the previous evening. How Oliver would always wake me up with a small kiss to my forehead. How the warm morning light would brighten not only his eyes, but his smile, too. I walked over to the bed and picked up a pillow. I squeezed it tight and buried my face into it. I took a deep breath through my nose. It smells like Oliver. My eyes started tearing up again.

After smelling the pillow a few more times, I let myself fall on the bed, my back to the mattress. I looked over and saw a picture gleaming in the artificial light. It was one of my favorite pictures, too. It was a picture taken after our wedding. My hair was in long blonde curls, my white laced veil covering it. My wedding dress was a laced gown type. It fit me like a glove. Oliver was wearing a fitted black tux with a teal blue tie. Oliver was dipping me in this picture. I was looking into Oliver's eyes with a bright smile which he returned. I smiled, but it quickly faded. I fingered Oliver's photographed face. I leaned and kissed his face. I pulled mine away and closed my eyes. Maybe this is a dream. I forced my eyelids open and looked around. Right then, a heavy burden set itself upon my shoulders. The truth hit and realization sunk in. This is real. He's gone. I looked back at the framed photo in my hands. A tear slipped and hit the glass. I wiped it away and brought it up and hugged it. "Goodbye, Oliver."

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Hey guys! This is the final chapter of Fifty Shades of Queen.😧 I know I probably should have told you sooner but I did say this was coming to an end. Thank you for all you sugar cubes you started this with me and finished!❤️ it's been such a fun ride and thank you so much for letting me share it with you!

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