Chapter 17

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"Come on Carly. We've being working so much and were almost finished."

"Exactly Nash, were almost finished." I remarked. Even though we are close to done I'm not letting us finished it all on the night before. That's way to stressful for me. I hate the fact that people, like Nash get away with good grades all the time. They don't even have to work for it like I do. They're just lucky like that.

"We have the most done in the class though." He complained again

"Let's go to the party at Kyle's."

"What?" I said

"Kyle's having a party tonight or I guess right now. Let's go." He smiled

"We're not done the project a-and I can't go in this." I said crossing my arms over my chest

"Then change I don't mind." He smirked

"Funny." I said rolling my eyes not moving off my bed..

"Well are we going?"

"No Nash!"

"I know you wanna go." He laughed

"Just put something on and we'll go." He said

"F-fine! Only for an hour, then you take me back home and we work on the project." I insisted

"Alright. Perfect." He laughed

"Now..what do I wear to a party?" I questioned as I stood up and walked to my closest.

"I don't know, you look good in anything." He said in a calm voice as he laid on my bed, throwing a ball into the air and catching it repeatedly.

I faced my closest and blushed at his comment while sorting through my clothes.

"Hey, why don't you let me pick. Hm?" He said behind me

* * *
I got into the passager seat of Nash's car in a dark brown sweater with lace on the shoulders. It was tighter than most things I would wear but Nash said it would work for a party like this. The jeans I was wearing was as well a little tighter then what I would usually wear. It was uncomfortable to be honest. The only thing I was wearing that what some what me was my converses. I'm not used to wearing this stuff. I know Maya is though.

I haven't talked to Maya in a while. I know she'll be here tonight though. She wouldn't miss it. She'll probably be wearing something more extreme then me more like a bright dress and curled hair. While I just had my normal hair down, like usual.

Nash tired to get me to leave my glasses at home, but I wouldn't bother.

We pulled into the driveway of this huge house, that I've certainly never been to. But I know Nash probably has.

Once I stepped out of the car door it was different and weird. People didn't stare me down like they did when I came to the football game with Maya in her car. What make this time different?

The house was packed, it was way bigger than Maya's birthday party. I was starting to wonder if I had just made a huge mistake.

HSKAJASJ THANKS FOR 10kkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!

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