Chapter 11

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Yesterday Maya came over and apologized about what happened the other day at lunch. I told her it was really nothing. She argued and told me that it isn't nothing and that they should stop doing things to me. Maya insistent that she would probably just sit with me at lunch today. I told her she really doesn't have to. But again she argued. Besides wouldn't she wanna sit with her friends anyway? Maybe I'm Maya's friend now and she doesn't respect her old friends as much as she thought she did.

I wouldn't want her to leave her friends for me though. Soon people are gonna start talking bad about Maya if she hangs out with me for to long. What happened yesterday didn't even bother me that much it's just the fact that Cameron would do such a thing after telling me he has a 'crush' on me. Everything is just so confusing but I don't wanna get my hopes up of having Cameron being my friend. This whole thing could be a big joke.

I have to go back to school today. I have to go and see what I missed in my last few classes and probably make up a lot of homework including notes to write.

The day started like it always does with me getting on the bus and Maya sitting next to me. But today she didn't say a word to me she just sat there while I looked out the window. Cameron wasn't on the bus today. He probably drove or something because he was in first period. 3rd period came around and I was glad that Cameron wasn't in this class.

I took my normal seat in the middle. Then I took out my books from my backpack for this class as the teacher walked in late. This was probably my least favorite class the teacher didn't teach good, she never knew what to do with us, and it was drama class.

"Alright today we're gonna do something different." She said while looking at papers on her desk squinting like she needed glasses. Which she probably did.

"There's gonna be partners involved." She said as the usual, everyone turned to look at there friends.

"I'll be picking the partners." She says with a grin and a small laugh just to probably piss us off. Then she stands up and brings her class paper with her to the front of the classroom.

"Alright so.....

What am I suppose to do today about lunch. It is probably gonna be more awkward then it was yesterday. No way am I sitting with Maya again at her table. Was Maya actually gonna sit with me today? I'm just afraid when I sit at another table Cameron is gonna make a rude remark and everyone will laugh at the table.

"Carly and Nash." Said Miss Roberts breaking me out of my thoughts

Nash.. Nash! I make a quick glare at him to see he was just doing the same. I can't work with Nash on a project this is gonna be so horrible!

"You and your partner will
be making banners for your topic given." She said tapping her pencil on her clip board

"This is will an out of school project. Okay get with ur partners to discuss for the last 5 minutes of class." She said looking at the clock

I looked up to see Nash walking over to me while everyone else were doing the same with their partners. I can't move I can't have Nash as my partner he's going to make everything worse right now. The moment I realized he got a chair and sat next to me was when my heart stopped. What's gonna happen? Should I ask Miss Roberts for a new partner?

"Hey." Half smiled Nash

"Hey." I mumbled

"So actually I was thinking we could paint our banner." Said Nash


"Yeah paint. I-I'm pretty good at it." He half laughed making me smile

"Okay yeah we could paint." I smiled

"Where would you wanna work on it at?" He asked

"We could work at it at my house tonight." I said a little to quickly. Why was he being so nice to me? Was it because Cameron wasn't here?

"Alright cool. Just text me your address." He said as he wrote he's number on a piece of paper and handed it to me

"U-Uh yeah okay." I said

Sorry if this is terrible I wrote it pretty quick.

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