02 - a bloody girl

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You sat up and gasped, water leaving your lungs. The sound of metal against metal made you cover your ears as your eyes slowly got used to the darkness.

You sat in a metal box, crates made of wood surrounding you. The box was moving upwards, nearing a blinking red light. You didn't know how to act, so you tried slowing your breathing, trying not to have a panic attack.

The box got extremely close to the red light that was about 20 feet above you as you started to panic more than you already did. It suddenly stopped moving and stayed like that for a couple of seconds.

"Help!" you screamed desperately. "Please! If anybody can hear me, please, help me!" you screamed, your throat sore because of the water and the screaming.

The red light turned green and light started shining into the box, making you hold up your arm in front of your face to shield your eyes from the sun.

"What does he look like this time?"

"It's a bloody girl."


"Is she hot?"

"I call dips."

"You can't call dips on her, you shank. Newt, go get her out of that box."

You felt the box shake as two feet appeared in your eyesight. You looked up into the brown eyes of a blonde boy, who looked kind of familiar.

"Hello, love. Let's get you out of that bloody box." he said. His voice calmed you down, you immediately noticed the thick accent laying in his voice. You liked it.

He reached his hand out for you to take. You waited a few seconds before placing your hand in his as he pulled you out of the box. You were surrounded by at least twenty boys who all looked you up and down like you were a piece of meat.

"All right, go back to work, you shanks." a voice said. The boys groaned before walking in different directions, leaving you and Newt with a boy you felt like you knew.

"Hey greenbean, my name's Alby and this is Newt, but you've already met him. Do you remember anything about you? Your name? Anything?" the dark skinned boy asked.

You thought for a second before slowly shaking your head with a sad expression.  "Don't worry, love. Your name will come back. It's the only thing they let us keep" Newt muttered. "They?" you asked frowning.

"C'mon greenie, there's a lot we need to explain to you."

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