22 - creatures

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Looking around, it was easy to tell that these people had quite an advanced style of living. Minho shone his flashlight through a glass door, seeing water tanks and other supplies. "Come on, open up."

Newt handed you a flashlight he'd found. You thanked him and switched it on, groaning at the bright light that shone in your face. Newt chuckled quietly at your reaction, shutting up once you sent him a glare.

"Looks like people lived here." Minho spoke as he picked up a piece of clothing from a huge pile. "Where are they now?" Newt asked from beside you.

"Let's pack some of this stuff up." Thomas said as he put on a jacket he'd found. "Anything you think you might need. We'll split up, see what else we can find. Meet back here."

"Wait, Thomas." Newt spoke up, handing your brother a flashlight. He nodded. "Let's go." Thomas said before walking off with Minho. You sorted through the rubble of clothes.

While searching, Teresa gasped from the room next door. "You all right?" you asked, receiving a nod and "I'm fine.". Since she seemed to be occupied, you searched for clothes you thought would be her size.

You found some dark green cargo pants along with a white shirt, a black leather jacket and black boots for yourself. You walked up to Teresa, handing her the clothes. She smiled at you and nodded.

The both of you changed beside each other. Halfway through, you heard Newt chuckle. You looked in his direction, seeing him smirking at Fry with a finger on the cook's cheek.

He'd probably been looking at you guys changing. "Fry, you perv." you laughed. "What? Newt looked as well." he tried defending himself.

"I think that's okay. I've seen more than that." Newt spoke, making you blush furiously. Once you were done changing, Newt handed you a backpack he'd packed for you.

"Thanks." you spoke, kissing him. He placed his hands on your hips, pulling you closer. Suddenly, the lights turned on, illuminating the room. You pulled away from him, his hand still on your waist.

"What's going on?" Winston asked as he looked around. "I don't know." Fry spoke. Newt pulled you close, looking around the room in suspicion.

"Hey! Hey!" a shout was heard, belonging to Thomas. You looked in the direction it came from, seeing him and Minho approaching. "Run!" he screamed as you saw creatures running after them.

"Shit!" Newt cursed, putting on his backpack before running off with you. You'd put on yours before, so at least you both had a backpack with necessary stuff.

"Thomas, Minho, what the hell are those things?" you screamed, running up a flight of stairs. "I don't know! Just keep going!" your brother ordered.

"No, I wanted to stay back and say hello to them!" you screamed back, sarcastically. "Your sarcasm isn't helping!" Minho spoke, running right behind you.

"Come on!"

"Just keep moving!"

You stopped when one of the creatures stood right in front of you, running in your direction. Aris grabbed a baseball bat and swung it against the creature's legs.

You were separated from Thomas and Teresa and ran in another direction. You ran up a flight of stairs in front of Newt. Reaching the second floor, you reunited with Thomas and Teresa.

"Where the hell are we gonna go?" Thomas asked Minho. "We gotta find a way out of here!" the former runner screamed back. "Go! Faster! Faster!"

You suddenly heard a crash and your boyfriend grunting. Turning around, you saw a creature laying on top of him, trying to bite him. "Guys, help!"

You ran up to him and kicked the creature off of him, sending it flying through a glass panel down to a lower floor. You helped him up, taking his hand. "Newt, you good?" you asked. "Yeah. Thanks, darling."

You started running again, turning a corner to sprint down a long hallway. "Guys, where are we going?" Newt asked with a shaky voice. "Keep going!" Teresa screamed.

"Come on, they're coming." Newt panted, panic evident in his voice. Reaching the end, you found doors blocking your way. You tried opening them, but they seemed to be locked.

"It's a dead end!" Minho spoke. "Get us out of here, Thomas!" Teresa ordered. Minho and your brother kicked against the doors, trying to open them.

"I'll hold them back!" Winston said, using the gun he'd taken from the guard to shoot the creatures. "Get that door open!" he screamed once the creatures had almost reached him.

Finally, Fry was able to open the door. You and Newt followed him, waiting for the others. Winston was the last one out, but he was grabbed by the creatures and dragged back.

"Help me!" he screamed, getting a hold on the door. They clawed at his stomach while you grabbed his hands, trying to pull him back. He screamed in pain as they ripped open his skin.

You finally got him loose, Thomas and Minho staying behind, holding the door close. Newt and Fry slung Winston's arms around their shoulders, dragging him away.

You followed with Teresa, looking back at Thomas. Both him and Minho followed after a few seconds, catching up with you. You found shelter under huge concrete structures.

You sat in the back with Newt, his arms around your waist while your head was laying on his chest. He kissed your head repeatedly, as if trying to make sure you were there.

After you were sure the creatures were gone, you fell asleep in his arms.

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