37 - hija

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The boys urged you to be the driver since, funny enough, they considered you to be the most responsible one. You were a good driver, no doubt about that, but you would have preferred to be able to relax for a while.

You drove for several hours before stopping in front of an abandoned mandatory infection check and a tunnel. You shut off the engine and pulled the handbrake before getting out of the car.

"You want us to go in there? I don't wanna come across as too negative, but, I mean, if I was a Crank, that's exactly where I'd be." Newt told Thomas.

"I don't think we have much of a choice." Thomas mumbled, studying the map. Newt licked his lips before walking back to the car. "All right. I get shotgun." he spoke.

"And I'll be driving." you said, following behind him and getting in the driver's seat. Once everyone was back in the car, you started the engine.

You drove through the tunnel and switched on the lights while the guys held torches out of the windows. "All right. Here we go." you mumbled, maneuvering the car around the tunnel.

"Yeah, just take it nice and slow." Newt said, illuminating the tunnel in front of you. You stepped on the brakes once you spotted a figure ahead of you.

You looked back at Thomas, making him nod. "It's okay. It's just one, so take it slow, and go around him. We'll be fine." Thomas reassured.
"Okay, guys. Buckle up. And roll the windows up, lock the doors."

Suddenly, a woman appeared on the window beside Thomas and knocked on the glass. "Please. Please, help me. Help me, please. Please! Let me in." she spoke before a thud was heard on Fry's side.

"Okay. Y/N/N, we gotta go." Thomas spoke, looking between the man and the woman on either side of them. Cranks appeared all over the car, making you let out a shocked scream.

"Just floor it, Y/N!" Thomas screamed. You complied, flooring the gas and speeding off. A crank landed on the hood and punched the windscreen, cracking it.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

"Come on, Y/N! Shake him." Thomas ushered, making you groan. "I'm trying, Thomas!" you called back. The crank climbed to your side and punched the window.

You were able to shake it off, releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Y/N, watch out!" Thomas screamed before the car crashed and rolled onto the roof.

"Shit." you cursed and loosened the buckle, softening your fall with your hands. "Everyone okay?" Thomas asked, coughing slightly. "My hand." Fry groaned in pain.

Thomas kicked in the window so he could climb out. He opened the door from outside so Newt could climb out before helping you.

"Fry, you good?" you asked your friend, cutting yourself off when you heard a crank screaming in the distance. It appeared in the tunnel and spotted you, slowly limping towards you.

"Frypan, I think we gotta move. Now!" Thomas spoke. Fry climbed back into the car despite your protests and pulled out a gun. Aiming at the crank, he pulled the trigger and shot it.

"Nice shot, Fry."


Suddenly, multiple other cranks appeared in the tunnel, growling and screeching at you. "Okay. We gotta go. Go! Go!" you screamed, running away.

Frypan stayed and shot at the cranks a couple of times before he followed after you. Cranks appeared from the other end of the tunnel as well, trapping you in the middle.

Fry shot at cranks on both sides, but, soon, he ran out of ammo. An engine could be heard and a truck approached you, ramming cranks away in the process.

Brenda's head appeared from the top, shooting cranks with her gun. "Hey, get in." she ordered. You complied, climbing in the back followed by the boys.

Jorge floored the gas, saving you and making it out of the tunnel. "I'm impressed. You guys almost lasted a whole day. And that was probably only because of Y/N."

"You good?" Thomas asked from behind you. "Yeah." Newt mumbled as Brenda turned around to look at you. "I'm sorry. I didn't wanna bring you guys into this." Thomas said.

"I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us." Fry spoke up from behind you. "You're welcome." Brenda chuckled, turning around again.

"Hey, don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun, chances are the city is, too." Jorge explained, pointing back to the checkpoint.

"Yeah, unless they figured out some other way to keep the cranks out." Newt mumbled. You looked over to where he was looking at and spotted a huge wall surrounding the city.

Jorge hit the brakes and parked the car as you all got out. "Funny. Spent three years trapped behind walls, trying to break out, and now, we wanna break back in." Newt spoke, sarcastically.

"Yeah. It's hilarious." Fry mumbled. "Jorge, how do we get in?" you asked. "Don't look at me, hija. Those walls are new. I guess that's WCKD's answer for everything."

"Well, we ain't gonna figure it out from up here. Let's go!" Brenda spoke, getting in the truck again. "You really think he's in there?" Newt asked Thomas.

"I guess we'll find out." Thomas spoke, still looking at the city. "You know she's gonna be there, too." you reminded him. Without another word, all of you got back in the car.

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