06 - bonfire

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That evening, the usual bonfire took place. As you watched some of the boys, including Newt, light up the huge pile of wood, you could see greenie watching them from afar.

The guys toasted to the gladers while you decided to stay sober. You sat down next to Minho, who occasionally shared some of his food with you.

You watched Gally wrestle some of the gladers before he spotted you. "Want a rematch, Y/N?" he smirked, outstretching his hand towards you.

You raised your hands in defence. "I think totally destroying you once was enough." you smirked, making the guys cheer. Gally laughed before going back to fighting.

From the corner of your eyes, you saw Newt and greenie looking in your direction. You smiled at greenie before blowing Newt a kiss, which he chuckled at. Because of the bonfire, you could see his pink tinted cheeks.

After a few minutes, both of them stood up and walked around the bonfire, Newt introducing greenie to some of the gladers. They talked a little before one of the gladers was pushed into greenie by Gally.

"Whoa!" greenie exclaimed, stumbling a little before turning to look at Gally. Newt knew what was coming and made his way to where you were sitting at.

He plopped down next to you, kissing your head and sneaking his arm around your waist. "What do you wanna bet greenie's gonna win?" Newt asked, smiling at you.

"Greenie seems a little clumsy. I'm gonna bet on Gally." you spoke. "Winner gets a kiss." Newt said, holding up his pinky. You interlaced your pinkies before smirking at him. "Seems like a win-win-situation to me."

"Okay. All right. The rules are simple, greenie. I try and push you out of the circle. You try and last more than five seconds." Gally spoke, the guys laughing at his statement.

"Ready?" Gally asked before lunging at greenie, pushing him into some of the gladers who pushed him back in, making him fall to the ground.

"Come on, greenie. We're not done yet." the builder spoke, waiting for greenie to get up. Once he stood on his feet again, he adjusted his shirt. "Stop calling me greenie."

"Stop calling you that? What do you wanna be called? Shank?" Gally asked, earning another round of laughs. "What do you think, boys? Does he look like a shank?"

Fed up, greenie lunged at Gally. They wrestled a while before greenie was pushed to the ground. You furrowed your brows, thinking Gally had enough fun with greenie already.

You caught Minho's glance, him clearly thinking the same thing. "You know what? I think I've settled on shank." Gally spoke. Greenie ran at him again.

Gally pushed him back, only for greenie to step out of the way, making Gally land on his stomach. "Oh!!" the crowd exclaimed. "Not bad for a greenie, huh?" greenie asked, cockily.

Gally swiped his legs against greenie's ankles, making him fall and hit his head on the ground harshly. "Gally! That's enough!" you spoke, stepping forward. The boys immediately shut up. You wanted to check on greenie when he suddenly stood up with a smile on his face.

"Thomas. Thomas. Hey. Thomas. Hey! I remember my name! I'm Thomas!" greenie smiled. Alby exclaimed his name before the crowd started cheering, welcoming another glader to their new home.

"Good job, Thomas." Gally praised the brunette boy, both of them sharing a quick smile. Suddenly, a screech could be heard in the distance.

"What the hell was that?" Thomas asked. "That, my friend, was a griever. Don't worry, you're safe here with us. Nothing gets through those walls." Gally reassured.

"All right, guys. Let's tuck it in for the night." Alby spoke. The guys slowly went to their hammocks. "So, who of us won?" Newt asked as you guys walked to your hammocks.

"Well, I think neither Thomas nor Gally won. Basically, I did because I broke the fight apart." you smirked at him. He rolled his eyes before kissing you. "I think we're even. Good night, love."

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