32 - bomb

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Gun shots and explosions were heard once WCKD attacked the camp. You weren't sure where Thomas was, and, quite frankly, you were too caught up in trying to keep up with the guys to even think about it.

"Where's Thomas?" Minho asked, hiding behind some barrels. In the distance, you spotted Vince and Harriet. You ran up to them, panting once you stopped in front of Harriet.

"How can we help?" you asked. "You need to cover us!" Harriet exclaimed. "Do you know how to use this thing?" Vince handed Minho his gun, who cocked it in response.

"Cover me! This fifty's our only chance!" Vince exclaimed. You handed Minho and Fry guns that were laying on the floor, cocking them before shooting at WCKD guards.

In any other situation, you would have hated to shoot people with a gun, but you didn't care about WCKD's men. They made your life miserable, so you weren't gonna pity them.

"Vince, hurry up! There's too many of them." you spoke once you noticed the guards closing in on you. Suddenly, a bomb went off, sending you to the ground as electricity cursed through you.

Guards grabbed you and moved you to an open space where they made you kneel on the ground. A guard grabbed your head and pushed it forward, scanning your neck.


"How many did we get?" Janson asked the man who wrote down the numbers of the subjects they got. "Half of them, give or take."

"Give or take what?"

"Well, they lost a few."

"Where's Thomas?" Janson asked no one in particular. "Right here." your brother spoke up before a guard grabbed him and moved him towards Janson.

"Thomas." the man grinned, punching him in the gut. "Get him in line." he ordered one of the soldiers, who shoved Thomas down to his knees next to Minho.

"Why didn't you run?" Minho asked, not looking at Thomas. "I'm tired of running." he answered, shaking his head. A huge aircraft approached and landed on the free space in front of you.

The hatch opened and Doctor Paige walked out, meeting up with Janson. "Is this all of them?" she asked Janson. "Most of them. It'll be enough."

"Start loading them in." she ordered before looking at the people that were kneeling on the dust in front of her. Thomas was pulled up to his feet, now standing in front of her.

"Hello, Thomas."

A guard shoved you up, as well as Minho, Fry and Newt. Teresa walked up next to Ava, who embraced her with a smile. "I'm glad you're safe." Ava spoke.

"What the hell? Teresa?" Fry asked, looking at the girl. "Oh, my god. You bastard." you mumbled, realization hitting you. "Wait. What's going on?" Newt asked.

"She's with them." you spoke lowly, glaring at Teresa. "Since when?" Minho asked. "Oh, well, Teresa's always had an evolved appreciation of the greater good. Once we restored her memories, it was only a matter of time." Janson spoke, patting her shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I had no choice. This is the only way. We have to find a cure." Teresa tried to explain her actions. You glared at her, ready to punch her.

"She's right. This is all just a means to an end. You used to understand that, Thomas. No matter what you think of me, I am no monster. I am a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure. No matter the cost. I just need more time."

"More blood." someone spoke up. "Hello, Mary. I hoped we'd meet again. I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances." Ava spoke.

"I'm sorry about a lot of things, too, but not this. At least my conscience is clear." Mary said, frowning at Ava. "So is mine." Ava spoke before a gunshot went off and Mary fell to the floor.

Vince called out to her, but it was no use as Janson had shot her. "Come on, Janson. Load them up. All these people, get rid of them." Ava said, turning to walk away.

Thomas pushed away the guard that was holding onto him and pulled out the bomb Jorge gave him. "Everyone, stand back! Stand back! Everyone, stand back! Let 'em go!"

"Thomas, put it down." Janson tried to negotiate.

"Let them all go!"

"You know I can't do that!" Ava spoke, looking at him. "Thomas, please stop. I made a deal with them. They promised we'd be safe. All of us." Teresa spoke up.

"And I'm supposed to trust you now?" Thomas asked. "It's true. It was her only condition. Everything can go back to the way it was. Thomas, do you really want all of them to die?"

"Listen to her, Thomas. Think about what you're doing." Janson spoke. Thomas was debating heavily, about to give up when Minho, Fry, Newt and you walked up to him.

"We're with you, Thomas." you said. "Do it, Thomas." Minho spoke. "We're ready." Fry nodded. You grabbed onto Newt's hand, looking into his eyes.

You tried to burn the image of him into your brain, knowing it would be the last thing you saw. "We're not going back there. It's the only way." Thomas mumbled, looking at Ava.


Suddenly, a car approached quickly, ramming crates, guards and helicopters. Thomas threw the bomb towards a group of guards and plopped down to the ground.

Newt pulled you away as you continued to shoot at guards. "Go!" Minho ordered. You followed the others to safety. Once you turned around, you saw Minho being electrocuted and carried away.

You and Thomas screamed his name, trying to reach him, only to be pulled back. You saw him being taken away, tears rolling down your cheeks upon seeing your best friend being taken away from you.

You grabbed a gun that was laying on the floor and aimed it at Teresa before pulling the trigger, hitting her right in the shoulder. "This was just a taste of what I'll do to you."

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