39 - Lawrence

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Suddenly, Thomas lunged at Gally and punched him in the face. Newt immediately ran towards him and pulled Thomas' fist back before he could hit Gally again.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Stop! Stop it!" Newt breathed, looking at your brother. "He killed Chuck." Thomas spoke, out of breath.

"Yeah, I know. I remember. I was there too, all right? But I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind. Just calm down, all right?"

Reluctantly, Thomas stood up and walked a step backwards. Gally released a breath he didn't know he was holding before looking at the hand you outstretched to help him up.

Hesitantly, he put his hand in yours, letting you pull him to his feet. "Kinda had that coming." He mumbled, snapping his jaw back in place before looking at Thomas. "Anybody else? Newt? Fry?"

"Do you know this guy?" Jorge asked, looking at Gally. "He was an old friend." Fry answered, sharing a glance with you. "How- how is this possible? We watched you die." Newt stammered.

"No, you left me to die. And if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now. What the hell are you doing here?" Gally asked, shaking his head.

"Minho. WCKD has him here. We're looking for a way in." You explained, sharing a quick glance with Newt. "I can help with that. Follow me." Gally said, turning around.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Thomas argued, making you look at him. "Suit yourself. But I can get you through those walls."

Reluctantly, Thomas and the rest of you followed Gally. Newt kept close to you, seeing several men staring at you walking by.

"After the maze, I got picked up by a group headed to the city. They realized I was immune, patched me up, and brought me here to Lawrence. This group's been at war with WCKD ever since they took control of the city. But WCKD can't hide behind those walls forever. Day's gonna come and they're gonna pay for what they've done. Listen, uh, he doesn't get a lot of visitors. So, let me do the talking, all right? And try not to stare." Gally informed you.

You shared a glance with everyone present before following after him and Thomas. "Gally, glad to see you made it back. Jasper told me what happened." A man spoke up, his face showing marks only cranks had. You assumed this was Lawrence.

"It was a slaughter. There's nothing we can do against those guns." Gally spoke, shrugging his shoulders. "No, but they can only poke the hornet's nest so long before they get stung. Now, who are these people? Why are they here?"

"We need to get into WCKD. Gally said you can get us through the walls." Thomas spoke up, ignoring Gally's advice from earlier. "Well, Gally should know better than to make promises he can't keep. Besides, that wall is only half your problem. Getting inside WCKD is impossible."

"There might be a way now. But it doesn't work without Thomas." Gally said, nodding towards your brother. You frowned at what Gally said, wondering why this plan specifically involved Thomas.

"Is that so? Do you know what I am, Thomas?" Lawrence got close to Thomas to speak into his ear. "I'm a businessman. Which means that I don't take unnecessary risks. Why should I trust you?"

"Because I can help you. You see, if you can get me through those walls, I can get you what you need." Thomas explained, looking at Lawrence. "What is it that you think I need?" He asked.

"Time. Every last drop."

"Is that what I need?" Lawrence scoffed, glancing at Gally. "WCKD has something we both want." Thomas argued. "Two can go for now. The rest stay down here with me. Just a little insurance to make sure you find your way back. We have a deal?"

Thomas looked at everyone for approval before shaking Lawrence's outstretched hand.

"Gally, show him the way."

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