42 - rescuing

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Dressed as WCKD guards, you and Thomas brought Teresa into the large building. She slowed down after entering through the door, receiving a little push from you. "Don't stop." You ordered.

After a few meters, Newt joined you, now walking through the building in threes before Gally joined as well. You entered a staircase, making Gally stop.

"Wait up. I can enter here. Throw me the walkie." He ordered, catching the walkie-talkie Thomas tossed him. Gally and Thomas went downstairs while Newt was leaning on the banisters, coughing slightly as he opened his helmet.

You shielded him from Teresa once you took his face in your hands. "Hey, you okay? You sure you don't wanna sit this out?" You asked, stroking his cheek.

"I'll be fine as long as we can get Minho out of here." He answered, kissing your palm. You nodded, tilting his face downwards so you could kiss his forehead.

You entered through a door once Gally and Thomas rejoined you, shooting the guards that were in your way. You opened the cell doors and let the kids out, but Minho wasn't there.

You checked every cell before locking eyes with Thomas. "Shit. He's not here. Where is he?" He asked, getting in Teresa's face. "Somebody's moved him up to the medical wing. Thomas, that's on the other side of the building." She answered, looking at Minho's file.

"Okay, take me to him. Right now." Thomas ordered, packing his things. "Alright, we're coming with you." Newt said, taking his helmet. "Newt, no, you're not. You have to stay here, wait with Gally for the serum."

"You can't do this on your own. Minho comes first, remember?" Newt spoke back, raising his eyebrows. "Just to. We're wasting time. I'll get the serum. We'll meet you out back." Gally said.

"Okay, fine. Let's go. Come on." You said, pushing Teresa out of the room with Newt and Thomas following. "Hey, greenie." Gally spoke up, making Thomas turn around.

"Good luck."

The four of you entered an elevator. Right before the doors could close, Janson entered as well. "Hold it." He spoke, coming to a stop next to Teresa.

"You're working late. See, that's what I like about you, Teresa. No matter how bleak things get, you just, well, you never give up. Times like this, you need a friend that you can count on."

"I'll bear that in mind." Teresa answered, not looking at him. "There is one thing you should know. One friend to another. Thomas is here. A surveillance picked him up outside the walls. Ava didn't want you to know but there is a chance that he may try to contact you, and if he does, well, I'd like to think that I'd be your first call."

"Are you going to kill him?" Teresa asked, looking at Janson. "Would that be a problem?" Janson asked right before the elevator stopped.

"This is me." Teresa spoke, all of you following after her. "Thomas, you need to listen to me. Getting that serum won't save Newt. It might buy him some time, but-"

"Just ignore her. She's trying to get inside your head." Newt said, grabbing her arm. "I'll meet you back outside, I'm gonna meet back up with Gally." You spoke, walking in another direction.

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