Chapter 2

496 32 17

Tarini POV

People pour into the courtroom, leaders and their servants alike, making their way to designated areas. Jyeshta is mounted upon his throne, surveying the events occurring at the current time. Jiji and I are perched not to far from them, but the men seem rather tiny from the mezzanine. Queens and princesses comfort themselves in their seats, to hear and watch the welcome prepared for them.

"I really wish Kaushalya had agreed to come." I whisper to Jiji, my hands petitely clasped together.

"It's good she didn't. For the betterment of our reputation it is necessary." Sumitra firmly opposes, her eyes stuck to our brother. "He's nervous. And I believe he's sweating." 

It was amazing how our sister can basically read our minds. Pitashree nicknamed her Eagle-eyes when we were children. Her piercing green eyes examined Jyestha's every move, practically making me invisible.

The sound of clinking jewelry is what snaps her out of her gaze, and her head turns towards the source. Sukriti and her mother sit down adjacent to us. Sumitra's eyes grow cold, and I myself stiffen in their presence. Sukriti is a sweet woman with a fiery personality, one that has been clashing with my short-temper since the day she was first introduced to court. And Kaushalya loathes Sukriti in every way possible. She also accuses her of spreading those horrible rumors about her in the first place. And even though the family is nice enough, our refusal for Sumitra's marriage to their elder son definitely deteriorated relations with them. 

They claimed it was the best option for a scandal ridden 27 year old spinster like her, and that my father would regret rejecting the proposal. He probably didn't but my step-mother did, claiming that he would never think good for their one and only child, before blaming both her co-wives for "brainwashing" him against her. With our reputation already at stake with Sumitra's previous failed romance, my father decided to rather have her stay single for life than marrying her off to a man with a rank lower than his own. 

Jyeshta ended up arranging her wedding to the heir-less and aging Maharaj Bhadrak anyways, allowing for her life to be resolved.

 Anyways, enough explaining...

The chatter in the courtroom is transformed into a chilling silence. The minister speaks to the attendants about the schedule for the next 3 weeks. Knowing the schedule already came in handy, as I could simply zone out. 

I stare to the Mezzanine across ours, and take in every face present. Mostly queens, most of them being much older than me. A few princesses who I recognize as Sukriti's close friends. Though I'm not a social butterfly, I believe I have more friends in of noble rank, rather than the snobbish princesses who prefer Kashi's soon to be queen consort. 

"What is she wearing?" Jiji mumbles, staring at her culprit's wife. "I already knew she had hideous taste but that... like, feathers in your braid? Pigeon feathers of anything?"

My mouth gapes at the sight. "That's really is strange. I could never."

"Marriage makes you do weird things Rajkumari. You'll understand one day." Sukriti's mother states plainly. 

"So you admit that she looks ridiculous?" I ask her. 

"What is there to admit? She always looks ridiculous. The other day I saw her style her hair into a shield." the older lady smirks. "Luckily, my daughter despises such women, so I doubt you'll have to see her again."

 "Well, in that case, I am eternally grateful, your majesty." Jiji sarcastically remarks, passing a smirk. 

"If only she could make her daughter's haughtiness go away as well." I whisper into Jiji's right ear. She contains herself, and returns her attention to the minister, who seemed to be nearing the end of his announcement.

The chattering returns as a guide leads away their assigned royal. When I find the chance, I sneak out from the other staircase, which lead directly to the gardens outside my room. Jiji surely wouldn't mind it. Socializing was her department of expertise anyway. 

Upon reaching the location, I sat down on the swing attached to the beautiful Cherry Blossom tree my father had gotten imported from the east before I was born. It's truly a spectacular sight to witness them bloom.  

The quiet hush of the wind pulls together the peacefulness provided by this abode. Pink, blue, and purple flowers are embedded around the walls, and a Shivling I made as an adolescent is placed upon a platform of gold. 

Silence engulfs my conscience as I find myself lying on the swing, moving to and fro.  The soft rustle of the leaves lulls me into a state of mind where no thought nor feeling dictates me. 

It takes not too long for me to fall asleep, not realizing when someone steps into my garden.


I wake up as the sun hits my face. Odd. I swear I fell asleep when the sun was setting. I stand up and take in my surroundings, realizing I was in my room, not outside where I originally fell asleep. 

A sea green dress is spread out on the bed, a platter with light jewelry right next to it. A sigh escapes my mouth when I realize I am supposed to hang around with my future sister-in-law.

"You up sleepy head?" Jiji remarks, stepping into my room, while throwing her hair back. 

"Yep." I mumble, unexcitedly picking up the neckpiece and examining it. "You seem to have been up."

"Mm-hmm. I am thinking about helping you charming one of these princes before that woman takes over the household." Sumitra explains, sitting down at the vanity and moving her hair so her maids could easily put on her jewelry.

"Don't be ridiculous Jiji. I doubt Jija ji is gonna look at you if you wear that boring thing." I tease, walking towards the bath chambers. 

Jiji freezes the moment I comment it, and suddenly asks for a new jewelry set. 

"And Madrika Bhabhi is not going leave. She will remain in charge over Sukriti."

"Right. Do you know your Jiju and I found you asleep outside once you disappeared? I was terrified when I couldn't find you."

"Just wear the one you had designed for Kaushalya's marriage." I advise, opening my bun and shaking open my wavy locks, while going down the steps into water.

Whatever she replies with is inaudible as I am submerged, and come back up with my long hair sticking to my skin. I lean back and allow the Dasis to do their work, all the while relaxing into the cool water.


I walk down the corridor towards where Malti stares at me, waiting. My childhood friend seems unamused when I slow down on purpose to annoy her. 

"Hurry up Tara, before I die of old age." she remarks, crossing her arms. I giggle in response, speeding up. 

"Oh, you won't die of old age. You'll die of impatience and anger issues." I shoot back, finally meeting her with a tight hug. "Come on, I want to show you something."


Okay. Yes I hate writing court scenes because I don't have any experience and I'm lazy. This is all what I imagined would commence, and probably has no relevance. It was mostly a filler, and I honestly had a lot of writer's block. At least it gave some back story to the Royal family's drama, and introduced a few new characters.

The next chapter is partially written, and won't take to long to finish.

I might be starting a posting schedule, so might wanna keep a look out for it. (Codeword: MIGHT)


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