Chapter 8

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Pitter...Patter... Pitter... Patter...

The sacred city of Varanasi is currently under the watchful eye of the ominous clouds looming over the horizon. The initial droplets of rain gradually turn into a magnificent display of heavy downpours, filling the atmosphere with the sound of rainfall that grows louder by the minute. The heavy rain showers soak the ground and the guards standing watch at the Royal Palace gate.

Within the confines of the palace, sit the two Queens of King Kashya, watching their maids present each of the clothes in the younger Queen's wardrobe, eliminating the one's not fit her, and keeping ones that suit her status. 

"Jiji, don't you think this fabric is too coarse?" the junior queen asks, unraveling the folded saree. She inspects it carefully, and puts it back, looking back at her co-wife.

"Rest assured, Sukriti. Once you don the garment, the fabric will enshroud you with such a delicate embrace that you might even forget it is there. I recollect that Kaushalya had her bridal saree tailored from this very same material." The older queen's gentle shake of the head and reassuring smile put Sukriti's worries to rest.

"Jiji, she never got to wear it. That is of no consolation to me." Sukriti says, scowling at the mention of her scandalized sister-in-law. "Where is she anyway? And Tarini, where is she? I don't think I've encountered either of them since I came here."

Madrika shrugs. "Well, as you know, Kaushalya is not a fan of leaving her chamber unless there's something important happening-"

"Because she still hasn't got over that pest of a man, Gaoshik?"

"Yes, because she hasn't gotten over that pest of a man." Madrika agrees, with a chuckle. "Tarini, on the other hand, likes to stay outside, either in the garden or visiting a few ministers' daughters. It turns useful occasionally and keeps our relations with the ministers healthy."

Sukriti ponders over the few encounters she's had with her sisters-in-law. The eldest has always made snarky comments toward her and her family. The second-born, Tarini, seems to have an unsaid grudge towards her, walking around with an arrogant and childish personality. And the youngest, oh she is just awful! Kaushalya, of all the people she could blame for her misery, blamed Sukriti, quoting "She's brought nothing but destruction since her father begged Jyeshta to marry her". The eldest and youngest both made their intentions toward her clear before she married into the royal family. It is only Tarini who needs to be decoded.

"Sukriti, look at how soft this is!" Madrika exclaims, catching her companion's attention. 

The senior queen notices that the younger queen's attention has waned and senses that something may be bothering her. She kindly encourages the younger queen to express any worries or discomfort she may be experiencing.

Sukriti is quick to break and share her plight immediately. "Do Arya's sisters show dislike for you?"

Madrika is taken aback by the odd question. "No! All three sisters are lovely and kind to me. Now if you speak of Sumitra, she doesn't like telling everyone her emotions, and can be insensitive sometimes."

"And Tarini? Is she just like Sumitra?" 

"Sukriti, Tarini is quite unique. She displays a blend of immaturity and maturity, which may be attributed to her age - hovering between childhood and adulthood. It's evident that Tarini possesses the potential to become a sensible queen in the future." Madrika explains, watching Sukriti take in her words. 

"She seems to be maturing very slowly in that case."


"She's so... haughty. I haven't seen her smile at me a single time. That's just rude!"

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