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"Never have I seen such eyes."

"Never have I met someone with such composure."

"Never have I known anyone more intimately."

"Never have I seen such strength, such love, such a nurturing nature."

"Never have I loved someone as much as I do her."

Tears of reminiscence cloud the eyes of the old warrior. Though his hair is white, his body pierced with hundereds of arrows, and his oath on the verge of either being broken or fulfilled, the ancient Gangaputra, thinks only of good things.

While night has cast a spell of darkness upon the world, Bhishma simply smiles at the memory of his beloved wife. Indeed his dearest Elakshi is all that he makes her out to be, and much more. A beauty from birth, is the Kashikumari, with her dark features and hazel-green eyes. Her beauty, sought after by every available bachelor of Aryavrata, was fittingly won by the fiercest warrior to wander the lands.

Devavrata's obstinate temperament, love, and protectiveness, was admired by many other men, and he was quite popular within the marriage market. Her kind nature, forgiving personality, and intelligence, all made a perfect match for him.

For once in many years, the universe managed to bring together 2 people, who completed a puzzle. His promises and family, caused enough trouble to her and her children, for her to have reason to loathe them all. But she didn't. Despite what difficulties that would overtake their marital life in a matter of days, Bhishma never left her side. And she never left his.

For every moment since he has fallen, he reflects on the time they spent together speaking, laughing, confiding, and discussing. From the day they met, to when they spent raising their son and daughter, each second of their marital life is etched into his memory.

"I still remember the day you confessed to me you fell for her. Truly, you are among the most fortunate men I know, to have received such a remarkable woman who has the talents that make up for your shortcomings.." Kripa, the Mahamahim's best friend, says with a nod. "Too bad there are too few women to make up for all of the more... self-centered ones that wander this world."

"I have seen the entire world my good friend. And I have yet to meet a woman the equivalent of her. No one can possibly be like her." Bhishma sighs, wincing in pain as he moves his sight back to the lightning sky. "I wish... I could've given her more. Not allowed her to go through all that she has."

"A bit late for such thoughts, isn't it Devavrata?"

"Never. It's never too late to fix anything, Mitra Kripa." he responds quickly, hearing the sound of anklets echoing the empty battlefield. "Never."

We Could Have it All (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now