Chapter 4 (New Chapter & Big Changes Mentioned)

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Tarini POV

Kaushal crawls about on the bed, occasionally sitting up and sucking his thumb, other times picking at the loose thread hanging off the pillow case. The small creature is more intriguing and like his father than anyone can imagine.

Jiji coddles the little boy, and for once, Kaushalya has joined us in our childhood bedroom. She seems quite happy, being reunited with her namesake and nephew, though it does not decrease the iciness in her behavior towards us.

Every so often she shoots us a glare, especially when the conversation shifts from her.

"You should get out more often, Kaushalya, it is healthy for you." Madrika mentions. The silence is palpable after that, and I focus on playing with Kaushal instead of paying attention to their conversation.

I believe he is only about 8 months of age, though his countenance could suggest otherwise. He crawls over to me, grabbing onto the bracelet I wear.

"I can't give that to you little one." I explain to him, prying off his small fingers from the ornament. That was followed by insistent crying, his face contorted in false hurt. I smile, and coo at him in an attempt to distract him.

"Can't you just leave the poor child alone!" Kaushalya snaps, her eyes radiating irritation and disdain. With a shove, she pushes me back, and scoops up Kaushal into her arms.

"That was uncalled for Kaushalya." I blurt out, shooting up from my seat. Jiji's eyes are glued to my face, begging me to hold my cool. So I do exactly that. I cross my arms, let my face go blank, and sit back down.

My sister places a hand on my elbow, and nods slightly, grateful for my composure. Kaushalya on the other hand, takes it as a signal to flee our presence.

"Do you think they'll be OK?" Jiji asks, directing her question towards Madrika. She shrugs in response.

"I think it is good that she has gone. I can finally tell you why I came to visit you." Madrika begins, obviously nervous to tell us the secret she holds.

"Go on."

With a deep breath she began, "My father has decided he wants to propose a deal with the King. He wishes that my son will be named Yuvraj once at an appropriate age, though instead of Arya deciding Kaushal's education, it will be my father's decision. And Kaushal will be raised in Madra instead of here in Kashi. It is either that or-"

"But why?" I inquire. "Why does Madra Raj want to raise Kaushal away from his family?"

She shakes her head. "That is not for me to say. My father will share it with Arya if needed."

"Let her finish Tarini." Jiji reprimands, staring at Madrika impatiently. "It is either that or what?"

"Pitashree wants Arya to depose any rights Sukriti's sons may have on the throne of Kashi." Madrika finishes, her cheeks warming up.

To say my sister and I were shocked is an understatement. The ultimatum's terms sound wrongful, leaving Sukriti with not many options but to live out her days as the step-mother of the next King.

"So... you are not sure what is going to happen?" Jiji inquires. "Your father hasn't said anything?"

"My father wishes to ensure the stability of our blood in this family. His philosophy is either my son will be crowned heir with Sukriti's sons inheriting a smaller position or..." she paused abruptly. "I need to find Kaushal."

Before another word could leave her mouth she simply left the room, no doubt embarrassed by what she explained.

"Jyeshta wouldn't do that to Sukriti right Jiji?"

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