Chapter 5

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Tarini POV

This is it. Today my sister returns back to her home, my brother's new wife joins us at our home, and it may be the last time I will ever see our nephew wandering these halls.

"You agreed?!" Jiji exclaims, barging into our room out of breath. "You're having a swayamvar?"

I turn away from the mirror to greet my sister good morning. "I have seen you are wearing one of the dreadful greens I seem to never have an end to."

She rolls her eyes. "Answer my question little sister. I don't want to hear your attempts at distracting me from-"

"I said yes. I asked Jyeshta the moment you arrived home after the pooja. He was quite obviously taken aback, not to my surprise."

"What happened?" she questions, taking my hand. "Is everything alright? Did someone force you to do this?"

"Who would force me to do this?" I laughed her off, pulling my hand away from her. I continue adjusting my necklace but jiji jerks me down onto the settee. She examines my face, genuine confusion in her eyes.

"I don't know what is going through your mind Tara, but whatever it is, I am happy you decided to proceed with it."

"Thank you jiji." I nod, watching as she disappears. Having my mood destroyed first thing in the morning is not enjoyable I have to say. So, seeing the chance to have a few moments to myself, I move out to the balcony, running my fingers through my wet hair to untangle it. A pigeon lands on the railing, something tied to its foot. Curiously, I untie the bundle of parchment from the bird's foot. My earring falls out of it, landing on the ground softly. 

Carefully, I examine it, wondering where it was found and came from. That is when I unfolded the parchment and look for anything that signifies who returned it to me. 

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." I whisper, going back inside to place it with the rest of the set. I didn't even notice! How absentminded I've grown these past few days. 

"Rajkumari, the ceremony starts in a few hours, so I advise you to change into something more suitable for the occasion." Malti informs me, sitting down on my bed. "You seem to be lost in thought"

"That's because I am." I snap back, collapsing onto the couch with a thud. "I just had a pigeon return my earring to me. I would thank the person but I have no clue who they are-"

Malti purses her lips, concealing a smile I know very well would be on her face right now. 

"You don't think-"

"It might as well be Yuvraj Devavrata." Malti teases. "Don't think I haven't heard the maids talk about your meeting with him last night after you ran off from the Mandir."

"That was a completely accidental Malti." I roll my eyes, brushing her accusation off with a shrug. "Unlike you and Rajkumar Raahitya the other day."

Malti's cheeks flush at my comment, and her gaze immediately averts to the ground in embarrassment. "Well hee went to my home and proposed marriage. My father... he agreed."

My mouth gapes open at the news. "Your father agreed? Dear Lord you're getting married!" 

She nods, and I immediately move forward to embrace her. Screw the earring what is going on with her!? When we pull away from each other, she displays her softest smile ever, and proceeds to explain:

"But my father doesn't want anything grand to occur. So they've decided on simply getting us married in a Mandir and then bidding me off in a humble fashion."

"Does the prince-"

"He's alright with it." Malti pauses. "I was wondering whether or not you will be able to attend, Sakhi."

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