Chapter 1

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Tarini POV

Shattered glass lies throughout the room. Sounds of screams send chills down my spines, as my sister cries into her pillow.

Jiji stands nearby, her hand on my shoulder. We could do nothing but stand here, and watch, as our sister goes through her pain herself.

This was a big blow. Not just to her heart. But to the country's reputation.

She had been courted by a handsome Kosala prince. And that prince rejected her at the venue, accusing her of an act she never committed.

And now the kings and queens of the other kingdoms looked down at us, their judgemental eyes and disrespectful words echoing every corner of our lives

Our youngest brother is dying of an unknown disease, and is no longer of any comfort to us. And with our Father's death occurring just days ago, nothing remains to keep our lives and government stable, unless of course Jyeshta pulls himself together and jumps into the sea of responsibilities that lie before him.

"What can we do?" I helplessly whisper, looking up at my older sister. Tears roll down her cheeks, no doubt knowing how Kaushalya's life shall proceed.

Jiji shakes her head. "Nothing but wait."

Devavrata POV

Just keep your head held high and a smile on your face Devavrata. I repeat to myself while watching my father return from his trip. His face is contorted in sadness as he enters through the main entrance.

"Pranipat Pitashree." I greet, bending down and touching his feet. He forces a smile.

"Ayushman Bhava." he blesses, waiting for me to stand back up. "Are you well son? You seem a bit nerve-wracked."

His observation doesn't help me with the unsettled feeling in my heart at his sudden change of countenance. "I'm still getting used to life here."

"You'll be alright." Pitashree briefly assures, patting my shoulder and walking past me without another word. My posture falters.

I haven't been here for a week and have I already committed a blunder so big that my father doesn't even wish to remain in my prescence? Am I truly that bad of a son?

"Don't worry Rajkumar. It's just one of those days that Maharaj's countenance is down. He will be alright tomorrow morning." someone's voice joins me. I turn around and see a man, about my age, with a beard and a large smile. His clothing resembles that of a sage, and his prescence replaces my unstable mood with one with more curiousity and excitement.

"Just one of those day." I sigh. "He seems to be having a lot of those. Ever since my installment as the Yuvraj he hasn't looked at me with a smile."

He walks so he is beside me, and begins with his words. "Then we shall explore the reson for this won't we Yuvraj?"

"We will... I didn't catch your name."

"Of my many names long names, I am most well known as Kripa, Yuvraj." he smiles.

The moment he looks at me with his positive demeanor. I feel he will be an ally during every turmoil that I will face in my life hence-forth. I smile back at him.

"Well then, I would love to hear how we will be solving this issue Kripa."

"As soon as I figure it out myself."


Tarini POV

"Are you sure that you wish to marry her?" Jiji reiterates to Jyestha, who's shoulders slump in irritation. 

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