Chapter 3

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I had the weasel thrown into the cell on the other side of our compound where we locked up our prisoners. Rorik escorted me into the hall and left me midway to sit with his friends. I continued my way to the front table and sat next to Cnut who was across from Heasten.

"Earl Bloodhair does not return with you?" I asked, watching the two men devour their food.

"The fool challenged Heasten to a fight to the death," Cnut replied.

"Well Earl Heasten, I suppose I grossly underestimated you," I smiled half apologetically.

"How so lady?" he asked, his beady eyes on me.

"I thought you a coward, but clearly to defeat Earl Bloodhair in combat you must not be so cowardly as I thought."

"Actually, it was the witch who killed Bloodhair," Cnut chuckled.

"Oh I see," I smiled.

"I would've killed him if the witch hadn't gotten in the way," Heasten protested.

"Sure, you would've," Cnut laughed.

Heasten grumbled something and stood and went to join another table.

"And how has the lady been?" Cnut asked me.

"Alright, considering," I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You do not wish to speak of that, I can understand," he replied gently.

"I wish to hear of your adventure," I insisted.

"Perhaps at the feast," he replied.

"Very well," I nodded. "Tell me one thing though, Brida?"

His face grew sullen. "I'm afraid she fell to a Merican blade."

"Poor Brida," I said.

"She was a fierce warrior. She feasts in Valhalla now," Cnut tried to comfort me.

"Aye," I replied. "And Aethelwold?"

"He is my gift to you lady. It is your right to do as you wish with him. He killed Ragnar," Cnut said, a hint of anger in his voice on the last bit.

"I told you," I replied.

"I apologize for doubting you," he smiled slightly.

"Well, he will be dealt with then," I said standing. Cnut made to stand as well. "No brave Cnut, sit, drink, eat, rest. I have some things to attend to, but I will see you tonight at the feast. I have a little surprise for you."

Cnut nodded and sat back down, returning to his food and drink. I took one last look at the feasting men in our hall and climbed the steps and went into my room, bolting the door behind me.


I watched her pull the heavy bolt across the door and walk towards me. Her face was sullen, and I knew she did not bear good news.

"What happened?"

"Brida's dead," she gulped hard. I could tell she was trying hard not to cry. "Uhtred I'm fairly sure lives. He'll have ensured she was buried properly. I know he will." Her voice began to falter. "Earl Bloodhair was killed by the witch, and Aethelwold has been brought back here as a prisoner. A gift from Cnut," she managed to finish.

I watched her pace the room and patted the bed beside me for her to sit. She sat next to me and ran her tongue across her lips as she did when she was nervous.

"So that leaves us Cnut and Heasten?" I asked.

She nodded.

"And what of our men?"

"Your men, I'd say about half came back. Same for Cnut and Heasten's men. I didn't see Heasten's man Dagfinn though. He must've fallen in battle."

I nodded and thought about what should be done next. She was quicker and surprised me. "I think you should reveal yourself at the feast tonight."

"You do?" I asked her.

"Yes. I think it's important they all know you're alive. They don't know you can't remember who killed you. We can use that to our advantage."

"And Aethelwold?"

"It is your right to do with him as you wish. He was your attempted murderer," she replied.

I took a deep breath and took in all of the information she'd given me. Now I understood why she had looked so exhausted when she walked in, it was a lot to process. "If you think it's best I go to the feast, then I shall."

"I do," she replied, trying to smile at me.

"What is bothering you, my love?" I asked her, pulling her into me. I felt her head rest in my shoulder and gently pat her back.

"Brida," she whispered back. "They say she's dead, but I don't feel it."

"Then she must've survived. She was a strong seer; I think she would've come to you if she was dead."

"You believe that?" Nadia looked at me amused, for I was not one to put much faith into visions.

"Aye," I chuckled at her shock.

"You never stop amazing me," she laughed.

"Nor you," I agreed.

She smiled at me and reached up, stealing a kiss. I smiled at her and once again wondered what I did to please the gods so that they rewarded me with her.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked me softly.


"What about me?" She smiled.

"Why the gods gave me you."

A new kind of smile crossed her lips. "Because, Ragnar Ragnarson," she said, straddling my lap and placing her hands on either side of my head. "You are honest, loyal, compassionate, and a man true to his word. You are a good man, the best man of men, and a man most deserving of my love." Before I could say another word, she had planted her lips on my forehead and then over mine. There was no fighting her, I was under her spell, as always.



Ragnar and I lay in our bed facing one another, neither one of us moving. The light was fading away outside, and I knew soon I'd be needed downstairs. I stared into his deep brown eyes and felt safe. The world around us melted and it was as if we were our young foolish selves in love once more.

"Why can't things be the way they were," Ragnar mused.

"What do you mean?" I grinned at him.

"When my family was alive. When we were young with little responsibility."

"Hah, you may have had little responsibility, I was always helping your mother in the kitchen or wrangling Uhtred and Brida," I laughed gently.

He frowned, "I had plenty of responsibility. You know what I mean," he grinned.

"You were the Earl's son. You pillaged, ate, drank, and slept with whatever women you wanted."

He beamed at me, pulling me closer to him. I could feel his breath tickle my face as he spoke. "I never shared my bed with any women, not after I met you anyway."

"I find that hard to believe," I laughed. "It's okay if you did you know."

"I swear on my mother's soul I didn't."

I couldn't help but find a wide smile on my face. "I have to go," I whispered to him.

"Go where?" he whispered back.

"Downstairs, the feast will be starting."

"Okay," he replied, making no move to release me.

"Ragnar," I failed at making my tone serious.

"Nadia," he replied.

"You should come down a little after it starts," I told him, managing to slip out of his grip.

He watched me throw on one of my nicer dresses and attempt to fix my hair. I went to the door and unbolted it. I turned to look at him at I shut the door behind me.

Always Be By My Side - Sequel to Always Return to Me (The Last Kingdom Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now