Chapter 12

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Being near Winchester gave me little to no joy. After what felt like an eternity of people staring at our strange party with eyes full of distrust, we finally stopped outside of a monastery. We dismounted and were met by a familiar face.

"Hild!" Uhtred exclaimed loudly, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Uhtred, how good it is to see you," she replied, hugging him back even tighter. Her eyes peered over Uhtred's shoulder, and she smiled warmly at me. "Lady Ragnarson, what lovely a surprise."

She moved to embrace me and we hugged briefly. "Hild, it's wonderful to see you as well."

"Did you know she named her daughter after you?" Uhtred smiled proudly.

"You did?" Hild blushed slightly.

"Well sort of. Her name's Hilda. But yes, in essence she's named after you," I replied, slightly embarrassed.

"Well, I am honored," Hild smiled.

We were ushered into a hall and were given water, bread, and some fruit which Hild explained came from the orchards. While we ate, Uhtred went off to seek out his longtime friend, the priest man, Beocca. Uhtred then planned to go to the castle to see Edward, the new king of Wessex. He insisted on going alone, leaving Sihtric, Finan, Osferth and myself to entertain ourselves. The three men decided to go hunting for a tavern. I was invited to join them but declined. I was getting too old for tavern brawling. Instead, I stayed with Hild and we took a walk through the orchards.

"How old is she?"

"A little over a year," I replied.

"And your son? Is he well?"

"Growing too fast," I laughed. "How have you been?"

"Well. I've hung up my sword and am back to living out my purpose in this life."

"You seem quite happy," I replied, leaving off that I still did not understand how some Saxons could dedicate their entire lives to their god and do nothing else.

"I am, very."

"Uhtred tells me that Ragnar is still alive?"

"Did he now? Well, I guess the secret would come out sooner or later. Aye, Ragnar's alive and well."

"Yet you are here with Uhtred?"

"Did Uhtred tell you he's planning on taking back Bebbanburg?"


"That's why I'm here. Ragnar wishes to help his brother in his cause."

"Yet Uhtred seeks men from Wessex?"

"We do not have the numbers to take Bebbanburg and defend against these new invaders from even farther north."

"I see." She seemed to be thinking this over. I wondered if the warrior nun in her knew or at least suspected there to be another reason we did not have enough men to help Uhtred take Bebbanburg. If she did, she gave nothing away. "Well, it is a pleasure to see you again," she said before having to depart, leaving me to continue to wander the grounds myself.


I finished roaming the grounds and made my way back towards the monastery where a very upset looking Uhtred was approaching with Finan, Osferth, and Sihtic at his heels.

"I take it that it didn't go well?" Finan bravely asked.

"You would think after all I've given to Wessex, I'd be granted some men," Uhtred fumed. "Not to mention the strategic advantage of having a stronghold in the north."

Always Be By My Side - Sequel to Always Return to Me (The Last Kingdom Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now