Chapter 15

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The packs were loaded, and the horses bore their riders as we set off to meet Uhtred. I turned around to wave to Little Ragnar who was waving us off. He was happily under the illusion that he was responsible for protecting Dunholm until we returned. In reality, the home guard of thirty men were tasked with keeping both Dunholm and its inhabitants safe. I admittedly would've felt better if there were more, but Ragnar insisted, and was right, that we needed all twenty of ours if we were to stand a chance of taking Bebbanburg.

We didn't have too far to travel as we rode towards the coast. At last, we sat on top of the cliffs looking down at the beaches. We were still far down the coastline to avoid being spotted by Bebbanburg's watch. Ragnar and I looked out watching for a sign of Uhtred. Ragnar ordered no fires, for he did not want smoke to give us away. Instead, extra blankets of think fur were handed out to the men, and we all waited, the harsh breeze off the ocean whipping our faces. After a long while I saw a speck on the water. I called Ragnar over and we watched and waited a while longer as it drew nearer. At last Uhtred and his men landed on the beach.

"Do you believe he calls that a ship?" I chuckled, looking at Ragnar who looked mortified.

"That's no ship," Ragnar frowned.

I nodded at him, and we left our men on top of the cliff and made our way down the slippery sand and rock pathway to the beach. Ragnar helped guide me and I happily clung to him as I felt the uneven ground slide beneath my feet.

Once our feet were back on more or less solid ground, we walked towards Uhtred's flimsy boat and his men. Stopping a few feet from it, Ragnar bellowed loudly, "Uhtred Ragnarson?!"

Uhtred, amused, hopped out of his wooden wreckage and firmly placed his hands on his hips and planted his feet, calling back, "Ragnar Ragnarson!"

The two stared at one another a while before laughing and pulling one another into a tight embrace. I smiled at their reunion and watched as the two fought back tears of joy and relief to be together once more. They patted each other hard on the backs yet did not let go for a while longer. Uhtred's men continued to unload the boat and a familiar face smiled and waved at me. "How do you do Irishman?" I called to him, walking towards Uhtred's pitiful pile of wood, grateful I did not have to get in it.

"Quite well lady," Finan flourished his hand and bowed at me. I rolled my eyes. No matter how many times I told the man to not do that, he did. I turned back to see Uhtred and Ragnar talking to one another. I decided to leave them to it and helped unload gear for the night.

"Why do you have all of these pelts?" I frowned, looking at the soggy furs.

"Didn't you hear? We're fur traders now," Finan chuckled.

"Are you now?" I mused.

"It's to hide our true intentions," Osferth replied seriously.

"I see," I replied, looking at the young monk, trying to not laugh. Finan and Sihtric rolled their eyes behind Osferth's back.

"That one there said we should dress as nuns. Have you ever seen sailing nuns?" Finan teased.

"I didn't mean on the boat. I meant to get into Bebbanburg" Osferth began to get flustered, which only made Finan and Sihtric laugh harder.

"Father Beocca, pleasant surprise to see you here," I commented, observing the priest had joined Untred's war band.

"I didn't know you knew my full name," he shot back, earning some laughs from the other men.

I raised my eyebrows, but before I could respond I felt a hand fall on my shoulder. "I want you to meet someone," Uhtred said, bringing Ragnar over to the boat. "This is my son," he smiled proudly, pointing to Young Uhtred.

Ragnar looked over the scrawny boy. "This is your boy?"

"I'm not his son," Uhtred the Younger replied.

"Why do you disrespect your father boy?" Ragnar asked.

"I have no father. God is my father and..." Young Uhtred began.

""Pigheaded like his father," Ragnar chuckled, clapping a visibly shaking Young Uhtred on the back. Part of me felt bad for the poor lad.

"Ugly like him too," Finan teased, winning laughs.

The men laughed and Uhtred smiled, but I could tell there was more behind his calm demeanor. He looked troubled. I gently gave his hand a squeeze, which he reciprocated. "You okay?" I whispered.

"Aye," Uhtred replied. "Our family is back together again."

"Yes we are," I smiled up at him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and nuzzled his head against mine as we watched Ragnar attempt to engage his nephew in conversation.


The sea air was crisp that evening and I shivered as the damp began to seep into my bones. At dawn, to my and Ragnar's everlasting horror, Uhtred's great plan involved us piling in and board his flimsy craft. "We clearly aren't traders," I tried to protest. In response I was tossed a thick wool cloak to wear over my armor. Ragnar chuckled and pulled his hood over his head. I grumbled a few more curse words under my breath before accepting his hand and stepping in. The moment I sat down, I felt the waves lurch at the low sides and wondered how far we'd get before we sank. I felt a reassuring arm wrap itself around my waist and pull me close. As if he could read my mind Ragnar gave my hand a squeeze. I looked at him in disbelief, and he returned my stare with amusement. We were to sail to Grimsby and from there Bebbanburgh. Uhtred's plans involved sneaking in the mighty fortress' seaside gate. Yes, it was entirely risky and entirely foolish. Yet the best way in we had.


Grimsby certainly lived up to its reputation. As we sailed closer the heavy fog lifted, revealing a desolate miserable place. I watched wearily as all eyes fell upon us. The townsfolk were an odd mix of outlaw Saxons and many Danes.

I unsteadily stood up and allowed the Irishman to assist me onto the dock. Ragnar, with his hood covering his face, protectively stood behind me and I felt his hand caress my back as he gently herded me forward. If I didn't know better I could sense a tinge of jealousy in my dear Ragnar's manner. I made a note to tease him about it later.

Our strange band dutifully followed Uhtred off the dock and into the town.

"So where do we start?" The Irishman asked cheerily.

"Where do you look for monks in a place like this?" Uhtred responded, his eyes trained on the fisherman nearby.

"St. Colman's?" Young Untried tried.

"The Whorehouse" Finan replied, causing many in our party to laugh.

"That's it I'm staying on the boat," Young Uhtred suddenly protested, ceasing to walk.

"It's not safe for you to be alone this deep within Danelaw," Uhtred responded firmly. "Come," he ordered his son.

Young Uhtred did not move. "Then I will pray for salvation."

Ragnar rolled his eyes. "You going to let him talk to you like that?"

"I will stay with him, keep us both safe. They do not love a priest in Grimsby," Father Beocca broke in, attempting to keep the peace.

"Thank you father. To the whorehouse then!" Uhtred replied.

"Ungrateful bastard," Ragnar growled under his breath.

"Give him time," I whispered back, alert that eyes were on our odd group. 

Ragnar made a huffing sound and mumbled something inaudible. I rolled my eyes at him to which he smirked. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing," he grinned mischievously. "You are cute when you're upset."

"So funny," I replied, gently shouldering him. He smirked in response.

Always Be By My Side - Sequel to Always Return to Me (The Last Kingdom Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now