Chapter 39

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I felt my muscles tense and prayed to the gods that my face remained calmer than how I was feeling. "I thought we had a deal."

"We did, but I got a better offer," the traitorous Scot bastard replied casually.

"From Wihtgar?" I asked.

The man chortled. "That cheap bastard remains cheap as ever. No. Another friend of yours, Aksel Kjartanson."

I heard Rorik emit a barely audible growl. Young Ragnar betrayed his concern by looking in my direction. I felt my blood turning to ice and gritted my teeth. "He has nothing."

"Oh but you see that is where you are wrong," Constantin smiled coldly at me. "He has promised me Dunholm and all of your lands. All I have to do is remove you."

Not missing a beat, a mass of soldiers flowed out of Grimsby and stood behind where our failed negotiation party was speaking. "Shield wall!" a man called out. In unison the Scots locked shields.

I scoffed at this. "No honor eh?" When he didn't reply I continued on. "What makes you sure you can so easily remove me?"

"You weren't prepared for this. The army you've brought is no match for my men." He stared at my small encampment and a glint of hope flickered within my chest. He didn't know about our concealed men.

"Have you ever fought Danes before?" Young Ragnar cut in.

"Quiet boy," Rorik ordered roughly.

"My father is going to wipe this field with your mutilated corpse before he feed it to the wolves." my son ignored him.

A moment of pride flexed through me before I began to wonder where he had learned this insult.

"Is that so?" Constantin chuckled. "Lord Ragnar, I must commend you on your boy. He's got spirit."

"Aye, he gets that from his mother," I replied, earning a few chuckles from my men.

"Ah, yes the Lady. I hear you don't travel very far without your bitch." His stare stilled my heart.

"She will never yield Dunholm to you," I replied calmly. I was not going to let him ruffle my feathers.

"Is that so?"

"I see you've little experience with Danish women lord," Rorik taunted.

"I suppose that is so," Constantin considered. The man I had once dealt with appearing briefly. "No matter. I give you the chance to surrender to me now and I'll make sure your boy dies quickly."

"And what about your boy?" I asked.

"Cellach? I've found that life is much better without him around." He turned to leave.

"Well, I'll be sure to give him your head then," I replied.

"Tsk. It's a shame you will die. I really did enjoy your company," he said, waving farewell over his shoulder.

"I won't forget this Constantin! You hear me?" I roared to his backside.

"What do we do now?" Young Ragnar asked me.

"Fight," I replied, spurring my horse away and back towards where my men waited.


"Lady?" Cellach called repeatedly until I finally turned to face him.


"I had no idea..." 

I put my hand up to silence him. "Your father has forfeited your life. The only thing I need to know right now is do I need to worry about you?"

Always Be By My Side - Sequel to Always Return to Me (The Last Kingdom Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now