Chapter 24

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Cnut's men rallied around him, taking in his every word. I exchanged a glance with Rorik and nodded at him to go about his task. Nadia's hand had left mine the moment we stepped out, and I longed for the comfort of having her near. I stole a glance and watched as her dark eyes followed my cousin's every move, waiting to adjust if he faltered from the path she'd set him on.

I fought back a small smile as my mind drifted away thinking about her. I'd hate to be on the receiving side of her fury. Unlike myself and most people I know, my wife is not rash. She is patient and has a scary way of slowly dealing with those who betray her or her loved ones. The woman beside me sets my very soul aflame with her heart and mind.

My attention was brought back to my cousin, inciting cheers. Men have rushed to arms, and are mounting up. I lost sight of Nadia in the flurry of war-hungry Danes. Rorik is soon by my side. "The men are ready."

I nodded at him and found my own mount, glancing around. I caught sight of her riding close to Cnut. I sent up a quick prayer to the gods to keep her safe and shoved my horse forward.

We rode fast and reached Tettenhall within an hour. Cnut's pride and fury had caused all sense to leave him. I watched as he charged forward with his men, not noticing that Nadia had stopped short on the crux of the hill, studying the scene below. I was soon by her side and saw where she looked. Uhtred.

"They're waiting for us," she said, glancing at me.

"Aye." I studied Uhtred, the Irishman, the Lady Aethelflaed, and their odd band of men facing down the onslaught of Danes.

My men fell in behind us. "Lord?" Rorik asked.

"Something's not right," I replied.

We watched Cnut's men charged headfirst into battle, Cnut screaming for Uhtred to die. "Why do they not run?" Rorik asked.

"It's a trap," my wife replied. Nadia screamed over the commotion, "fallback!" But Cnut's men were too far ahead to hear. Within moments of her warning, men and horses were falling into pits. I watched as Uhtred's men charged forward, massacring all in the pit. Archers in red aimed at those trying to flee. I felt my men growing restless behind me, but held them back.

"They're being slaughtered," a man protested.

"This is not our fight." Rorik cut in. 

"But surely..." the man began.

"Do you question your lord?" Rorik asked threateningly. The man was silent once again.

We watched a moment longer, before Nadia spotted Cnut emerging from the death pit. A glint of armor caught my eye. Riding in fast was the banner of Merica. They cut across the field, cutting Danes down in their wake.

"Stay here," I ordered my men. Rorik took charge, knowing that he was to lead our men away if things got worse.

I looked to my wife who nodded. She spurred her horse forward and together we started to ride around the trench. "Ragnar!" She called over her shoulder. I looked to where she pointed, on the opposite ridge behind Uhtred flew the banner of Wessex. I glanced back to where I had left Rorik and our men and watched them swiftly depart. They had their little lord to return to.

I looked forward once more and my heart dropped. Nadia had vanished from sight. I didn't have a moment to find her, before a Saxon was charging at me.


I lost Ragnar somewhere in the fray of chaos. I knew our goal, and continued to fight my way towards Cnut. My heart pounded as I quickly became a target for the Saxons. Men came from every direction, and I cut them down as fast as I could. Rage fueled my tired muscles, and soon I found myself near a circle of Danes. My gut wrenched when I saw the Lady Aethelflaed inside it. The men were jeering at her, as her man, Aldhelm, held a knife to her neck.

Without thinking I yanked a spear out of a man's throat and hurled it towards one of her attackers. It hit him in the throat, distracting the others. Aethelflaed's eyes met mine and I gave her a small smile. Her eyes suddenly grew wide. I turned a moment too late as a Dane swung his ax at my horses' legs. She fell, throwing me from her back. I managed to roll out of the way of the next swing. The Dane was quicker and I braced myself for impact when I felt his blood rain upon me. An arrow was sticking out of his mouth. I looked up to see the lady's brother, Edward, staring back at me. He gave me a small nod before slipping back into the fight. I got to my feet and glanced around. I spotted Uhtred running for the woods shouting to not let the Danes retreat. Running behind him was the man I wanted. I sliced and slashed my way towards them. The gods must've been on our side for I spotted Ragnar fighting off a group of Saxons.

I made my way to him and soon we were fighting back to back. The thrill of battle coursed through my veins as we fought our way out of the thick towards the woods.

"Cnut's heading after Uhtred," I managed to shout.

Ragnar stabbed through his current opponent and we ran up the hill. We crossed into the wood just in time to find them. Uhtred was fast, but Cnut was quicker and he soon had Uhtred weaponless, pinned on the ground. "You tried to take my boy from me!" Cnut yelled, punching Uhtred hard across the face, not noticing our approach.

My eyes met with Uhtred's. I edged forward to put a stop to it, but Ragnar held me back. "I need to hear him say it," he whispered to me.

"It was fair revenge for Ragnar!" Uhtred yelled, trying to defend his face and throat at the same time.

"Ragnar was weak! He needed to die, but my son was innocent!" Cnut fired back.

I felt Ragnar tense next to me. That was what what he needed. Uhtred let Cnut flip him back over and as he scrambled for his ax, he suddenly noticed Ragnar and me standing there. Uhtred took this moment to seize Cnut, and strangle more air out of him before kicking him forward.

"Ragnar," he gasped. The look of fear on his face was almost pitiful.

"I did not want to believe it," Ragnar said, tears coming to his eyes.

"You knew?" Cnut asked, looking from Ragnar to me, back to Ragnar.

"Aye," Ragnar replied.

"My lady, I..."

"You're a snake. And a coward. You sent Aethelwald to do your dirty work," I hissed back.

"Cousin..." Cnut began to plead.

"You are no cousin of mine," Ragnar snarled. With that Ragnar thrust his blade through Cnut's gut.

The red haired Dane's eyes were wide as he sputtered blood. Ragnar aggressively ripped his sword out and let the Dane fall back.

"My ax," Cnut said with labored breaths. "My ax."

"You will die a coward's death," Ragnar replied coldly. He turned on his heel, holding his hand out to me. I took it and we walked away.


I felt Nadia give me a reassuring squeeze as we walked away from my dying cousin. Killing Cnut did not bring me joy, but there was a small amount of relief that I no longer needed to look over my shoulder. Uhtred followed closely behind us.

We made it to a clearing before I collapsed onto my knees. I let out the breath I had been holding. My body shook and I felt Nadia kneel beside me, hugging me tightly. "It's over," she whispered. I embraced her close and peered over her shoulder at Uhtred who was walking towards us, but stopped short. I felt Nadia tense, and looked to where the two were staring. We were surrounded by men in red.

Always Be By My Side - Sequel to Always Return to Me (The Last Kingdom Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now