Chapter 13

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As Uhtred had predicted we reached a place called St. Wilfred's Church just before dusk. The sun was getting low in the sky, but Uhtred intended to carry out his plan. I had half a mind to protest at the ridiculousness of it, but considered if I was in Uhtred's position, I might do the same.

Osferth and I waited in the tree line outside of the church's walls. Though the priests there would show no difficulty, Uhtred deemed it would be better that we were not perceived as a threat. After what felt like ages, at last Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric, and their captive arrived. We walked deeper into the woods and as dark fell, Uhtred signaled for us to stop in a small clearing.

Uhtred had Finan and Sihtric release their captive and remove the hood from his head. The young man beneath looked about him in a panicked frenzy. His familiar eyes at last rested on Uhtred and his face calmed. "Hello father," he said coldly.

"Men, Nadia, this is my son. Young Uhtred," Uhtred smiled, part proudly and part mockingly.

"I don't use that name. It belongs to a priest killer," Young Uhtred spat vehemently. I grimaced at the way he spoke to his father.

Uhtred nodded his head slightly and calmly replied, "I'm here to guide you back to your family."

"The church is my family," the boy shot back.

"It is not. You were placed there without my permission," Uhtred replied.

"Praise to be King Alfred for that," Young Uhtred remarked. I raised my eyebrow and refrained from reaching out and smacking the young lad. I knew it was best to let Uhtred deal with him in his own way. Uhtred exchanged a look with Finan and I could tell he was hiding that he was hurt. "We are leaving this place and you are coming with me."

"Am I?"

"Yes, you have no choice. Now, take off that women's garb and wear this," Uhtred said firmly, looking to Finan who chucked a new set of clothes at Young Uhtred. "And I have a gift for you," Uhtred continued, calling Sihtric over who approached with a miniature pony. Finan and I stifled our laughs at the small animal. Uhtred looked somewhat surprised that it was so small. He shifted uncomfortably and addressed his son once more. "I uh, did not realize how much you had grown." We all stayed silent, trying to hide our amusement at Uhtred's folly. "Ride to Cookham with us and we will get you a better horse," Uhtred said, ignoring the rest of us.

"Why would I ride to Cookham with you?"

"To collect the ship that will take us north to reclaim your birthright and mine," Uhtred said proudly. Young Uhtred stared at him confused. "To seize back what is rightfully ours and to unite our family. I'm taking you to Bebbanburg," Uhtred tried.

"I've never heard of it," Young Uhtred replied, still looking confused.

The Irishman stroke his beard and hid his laugh behind his hand. Sihtric looked away to avoid making eye contact with Uhtred as he tried to remain calm. I bit my tongue, waiting to see what Uhtred's next move would be. Uhtred nodded his head and walked away. Finan called after him, "He doesn't seem to like you much."

"That's Alfred's legacy," Uhtred replied, not turning nor stopping. "He haunts me still."

"You should show your father more respect," I sternly whispered at Young Uhtred as I passed him.

"Are you his new whore?" Young Uhtred asked.

Without hesitation I turned on my heel and smacked him hard. He held his cheek where my hand had struck him. "Nadia!" Uhtred called out warningly. I glanced from him to Young Uhtred. "You're not worth my time," I said to him, before walking off to join Uhtred.

Always Be By My Side - Sequel to Always Return to Me (The Last Kingdom Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now