Chapter 9

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I stared from the shadows. They hadn't seen me, but the distress she appeared to be in unsettled me. I watched as my cousin stood in my wife's way, they were clearly discussing something serious. She was holding her ground, but I could see her cheek slightly puffed out, a sign that she was biting her tongue. She tore down the stairs and into the hall. I wanted to run after her, but I remained where I was as my cousin smirked and followed her down. What had he said?

I'd been visiting the weasel Aethelwold as I had secretly been doing for several days now. I'd told no one, not even my dear wife. I wanted what passed between us, for the time being, to be completely unknown to another soul. I'd learned from my first visit to him that Nadia had already been to see him. I was surprised she hadn't told me, but then again, I hadn't been telling her either. I knew it was he who struck the blow that was meant to kill me. Another secret I'd kept from her. I remember the incident as clear as a sunny day when the clouds have evaporated from the coast.

I lay asleep in my tent, admittedly a bit drunk as most of us were. My sword lay near my bedside. The next think I knew a sharp pain shot through my body. I opened my eyes to see the weasel standing over me, my sword in my gut. He pulled it out quick and blood gushed. I managed to sit up and pulled the blade from under my pillow and took a swing at him. He jumped back and took another slash at me, the death blow, or so we both thought. I felt myself choking on my own blood and watched as a blurred figure ran away, leaving my sword just out of reach. I was headed for Niflheim.

Dying is an unexplainable experience. Ravn told me that as a warrior dies, he watches the best parts of his life flash by and as they become golden and bright his is almost to Valhalla. Where Ravn learned this, I know not, nor can I yet confirm or deny that he is correct. I watched my life flash before my eyes, but they weren't the best parts, they were the worse. Perhaps that is what happens to those heading for Niflheim and not Valhalla. As all hope left my soul, I heard her voice calling out, asking me to come back. I followed her voice back to the land of the living and found myself once again by her side, vowing in that moment never to leave it again.

I must admit, I was slowly becoming rather fond of the weasel. He was annoying as always, but there is something to admire that his spirit has yet to break. Especially with the looming threat that my cousin may try to murder him at any moment. The weasel sobbed to me that it was Cnut who wanted me dead. I don't know if I believed him, but I felt compelled to return to hear more about this and that's why I continue to make my secret visits to the snake. A sliver of me wonders if his words could be true, but a sliver is all it takes.


There was no sign of Ragnar in the hall so I made my way down to the kitchen where I found Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric lounging on flour sacks in the back, out of sight.

"Lady," Osferth bowed his head, blushing slightly. The poor warrior monk was not very good with women. I bit back a smile, not wanting to make him more uncomfortable.

"I see you three have been well fed," I chuckled, taking a seat next to Sihtric.

"Aye, thank you Lady," Finan beamed.

"I wanted to say farewell. I know you are sneaking off early in the morning," I smiled lightly.

"Yes. We must get back to Uhtred and report what we found at Bebbanburg," Osferth replied as confidently as he could muster.

I exchanged looks with Finan and Sihtric who began chuckling at poor Osferth's expense. "What?" The young monk asked. The two refused to respond and continued to laugh. "What?"

"Nothing lad," Finan laughed, slapping a confused Osferth on the back.

"Yes, you have a very important task. I want you to give Uhtred this please," I handed a folder paper to Finan.

"What's he going to do with that? He can't read," Sihtric laughed.

"He can have someone read it to him then. But it's important he gets that message. Please promise me you'll deliver it to him?" I smiled.

"How about you give it to him yourself?" A voice said from behind me.

I whirled around, cursing myself for being caught off guard again. What was going on with me.

"My lord," the three men stood and bowed their heads quickly. Ragnar waved them off and flopped down next to me, placing his arm around my waist and holding me close to him. I could sense him eyeing Finan and made a note to tease him about that one later.

"You want me to go with them?" I asked, looking up into his face.

"Aye. I would go if I could, but well you know the circumstances."

"I can't leave. Not now," I protested, every instinct of protecting Ragnar and our family swarming my mind.

"I can take care of things here," Ragnar closed down the conversation before it could begin with a warning look. "Besides, I'm sure the children would love to meet their cousins and Little Ragnar would love to see his Uncle Uhtred again."

Ragnar grabbed some ale off the table behind us and began pouring cups for everyone, ending the conversation. The four men drank and laughed, leaving me to wonder what was he up to?


I prepared myself for the rage of fury that was surely coming my way. Nadia and I left the kitchen and bid Cnut and Heastan goodnight before retiring to our room. As soon as I had shut and bolted the door, I readied myself for her attack, but she did nothing. I frowned at her and stared at her standing staring at me. "You're not mad?" I asked hesitantly, wondering if these would be my last three words.

"No," she replied, reaching up and gently stroking my cheek. The look of confusion on my face seemed to amuse her and I felt her get on her tiptoes as she planted a kiss on my lips. She pulled away and looked at me, her dark eyes staring into mine, searching for me. I smiled and lowered my forehead to hers. We stared at one another for a long time, silently saying everything we needed to. I kissed her again and felt her press herself tightly against me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and we gracefully swayed back and forth to music only we could hear.


We silently laid tangled in fur in front of a now dying fire. The wood charred and ashy but the red fire that burned beneath was still burning hot to the touch. I listened to Ragnar's heartbeat softly against my ear. I nestled deeper into him and felt his arm wrap itself tighter around me.

"It'll be dawn soon," I whispered.

"Don't think about that," he replied, kissing the top of my head.

"You're sure you want me to go?" I chuckled softly.

"No," he replied without hesitation.

"I don't have to go."

"I'll be fine," he responded, stroking my hair.

"I know. I just..."

"Our children come first."

"Aye," I smiled, shifting so I could look at him.

"Besides, I wouldn't dare trust anyone else with my message to my brother," Ragnar beamed at me.

"I'm honored," I giggled.

Ragnar smiled back at me. His eyes sad. I pecked a kiss on his cheek. He eyed me with a look I knew well. I let out a laugh and before we both knew it; it was almost dawn.

Always Be By My Side - Sequel to Always Return to Me (The Last Kingdom Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now