Chapter 31

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The journey north was long, and in some ways made to feel longer by being uneventful. With Wessex and Mercia in the throes of losing their alliance, Saxon attention was not focused on a couple of traveling Danes. Where Cnut's remaining army had fled was unknown, Ragnar predicted they would seek out a wealthy lord to follow; though those days the pickings were slim. Heasten was a well-known coward, and Cnut and Sigurd Bloodhair were both dead. There was of course Uhtred's brother in law, Guthred, in Eoferwic, but it was rumored the Danish Christian King was ill and not expected to survive the year. As for the fate of Cnut's children, it remains unknown to us. At the time, Uhtred bitterly complained that we should've run them through and saved ourselves trouble. But Ragnar was not interested in needlessly killing his kin. In Danelaw was he was justified in Cnut's death, and any further feuding would find him in the right. I've heard rumors that the boys perished, or that they are making names for themselves in Ireland, but have no vengeance in their hearts towards the Ragnarson line. But all we've heard are merely that, rumors.

After days of riding, and resting in the woods at night rather than risking an inn, we came upon a familiar sight in the distance. Dunholm towered over the valley, the sun high above it.

"Home," Ragnar said, looking at me.

"Something's not right," I commented, looking down into the tiny village below. I felt my heart stop a beat and looked to Ragnar who was studying movement below. A band of riders was charging out of the treeline, across the fields, and towards the village. Screams of women and children erupted through the still valley. Men were drawing their arms or readying themselves with farming tools. From the other end of the valley came more Danes on horseback, charging to defend the village.

"Raiders," Ragnar growled as he tightened his grip on the reins. We exchanged a glance and a brief smile. "Glory or Valhalla," he said. I nodded and followed him down into the valley. Weapons drawn, we sped across the field and hit the raiders from behind, easily taking four or five of them down before the ones in the front realized what was happening. Some of them clumsily wheeled around and struck back. Others couldn't seem to decide whether to face us or the charging hoard of Danes approaching them.

"With Earl Ragnar!" A familiar voice shouted as men in the village came charging to meet the attackers head on, with the Danish riders close behind.

I stole a glance at Rorik, his face already covered in blood, beaming at us as I ripped my blade from a raider's belly. I ducked and stabbed into another one who had taken a swing at my head from the back of his horse. I noted that the raiding party had not been expecting such a defense and was beginning to flee.

"I want one alive!" Ragnar called to his amassing men. The ones on horses began to pursue the retreating men, aiming to cut them off before they cleared the treeline. Danish spears and arrows flew through the air, stabbing through the backs of some. I slaughtered a couple more men as they fled past me. The raiders were quicker than our riders, and were getting away.

"Bring me a bow," I ordered. I took a breath and felt the weapon held taunt in my hand. I squinted my eyes, honing in on a rather well dressed warrior riding away. I let the arrow soar, meeting its mark. The warrior fell from his horse. I nodded to the man next to me and he understood his task. He took another with him and the two rode to collect our soon to be captive.

"Welcome back lady," Rorik greeted me, riding up to my side. "Lord," he bowed his head slightly as Ragnar joined us.

"Has there been a lot of raiding?" Ragnar asked, skipping the pleasantries.

"Aye lord. They've increased their frequency. Though they've never raided this close to Dunholm before," Rorik replied. Ragnar grunted in reply, watching the remnants of the fight. His men picking through the bodies for any treasures, though I expected as they were a raiding party there would not be too many.

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