Chapter 22

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We rode off in steely silence into the grey dawn. If I was more superstitious I would have said the Gods were warning us away. The day was long, and we only stopped once, upon Ragnar's insistence that I take a break. I grumbled at him fussing over me so, but relented, knowing he was right. My wound was fully healed, thank the gods, but the physical toll it had taken was still present.

Night fell but onward we pushed until we could see dim flames flickering on the walls of Aegelesburg. The last stop before we parted ways with Uhtred once more. The gates were opened upon our arrival and poorly garrisoned. I felt the few armed men eyeing Ragnar and me with suspicion. The doors to the hall flew open and down the steps came the lady Aethelflaed, a pretty picture in pink.

"Uhtred? What are you doing here?" She called across the courtyard, not slowing her approach.

"You two, get those boys off the horses," he commanded as he dismounted.

"Why are you not at Bebbanburg? What happenened?" The lady continued to question him.

"Where are the guards?" He asked, avoiding answering her questions.

"You see all we have," she replied out of breath. "Uhtred who are those boys?"

"You should not be here without a guard," he insisted, still ignoring her questions.

"Where should I be? Decorating Edward's palace? My place is here in Mercia." She paused, looking over Uhtred's shoulder at Ragnar and I. "What have you done Uhtred?"

"They are Cnut's heirs."

Ragnar dismounted and helped me down. I smiled at the clearly stressed lady of Mercia. "Lady Aethelflaed," I greeted her, bowing my head slightly.

"Nadia," she stared at me like she was seeing a ghost. "Lord," she nodded at Ragnar. Questions clearly swirling around in her head. I supposed news had made it south that Ragnar had been killed.

"What are they doing here?" She looked to Uhtred.

"We have no quarrel with you tonight lady," Ragnar gently said. "But my cousin will most likely be on his way to kill you. Particularly given," Ragnar indicated the boys.

"You must get the boys to your armies. Where are they?" Uhtred cut in.

She glanced at us and lowered her voice. "Aethelred is in East Anglia with his men. The Danes have taken the heart of Mercia." She lowered her voice further, but I swore I caught her saying something about raising the Mercian fyrd.



"We leave at first light."

"Aldhelm, please prepare the survivors, the lady ordered her man. "We march at dawn. Every man must be put to watch." Her man carried out her orders. "Nadia, Lord Ragnar, I wish we were meeting under better circumstances," she turned her attention to us.

"As do I lady," Ragnar bowed his head.

"There is no convincing you join us?" She asked, knowing the answer.

"Afraid not," Ragnar replied.

"Very well. You are not prisoners, but I ask that you keep yourselves in sight until we part ways."

"As you wish," Ragnar responded. I nodded in agreement, desperate to ask after my niece but knew now was not the time.

We watched as Uhtred and the lady strolled off.

"Are they?" Ragnar asked.

"I think so," I replied.

"Good for Uhtred," he chuckled.

Always Be By My Side - Sequel to Always Return to Me (The Last Kingdom Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now