Chapter 28

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Stiorra's cry for Uhtred pierced the air. We whirled around to see two ragged looking people grabbing for the bread in her hand. They hungrily devoured it. Suddenly from in front of us, a man started yelling at us to go back. "This road is closed!"

I watched Finan and Sihtric dismount. The former grabbing his Thor's hammer and the latter crossing himself as they approached dead bodies staked through on pikes.

"What..." I began to ask when Finan yelled at all of us to stay back. "They're dying of the sickness," he yelled, throwing his arms to keep us all back. Finan's panic continued as he grabbed a hold of Stiorra and tried to wash where the beggars had grabbed her.

"It's spread through the air," Uhtred said.

"Don't worry it'll only kill sinners," Young Uhtred said, glancing at me and Ragnar. I raised my brow at him and he shrank away ever so slightly.

"No, no. Your father's right it spreads through the air," Osferth cut in, trying to keep the peace.

"We should go back. If there's sickness in the land we cannot be out here," Finan said. I stared at the Irishman, I'd never seen him so panicked before.

"We cannot go back. We cannot defend ourselves against Edward's men or Mercian guards," Uhtred replied.

"Isn't is better to die in a fight than choking on blood lord?" Finan tried.

Uhtred's face remained calm, but I could read his eyes. He was trying to figure out what to do. "We will abandon the path, avoid the bad air."

"The children will not survive on foot," Sihtric said.

"Then we leave them," Finan said. "Somewhere safe, and then we'll return," he quickly added.

"I will not leave the children!" Uhtred said, exasperated.

"Nor will I," I added, glaring daggers at the Irishman's desperate suggestion.

"Lord, lord. Lord, I have followed you without complaint, but do not inflict this on your men who have been loyal to you," Finan practically begged.

"What is this sickness?" Ragnar asked.

"It makes you cough blood until you die," Osferth replied. "It's a very unpleasant death."

Ragnar's face paled and I felt him give my hand a tight squeeze before speaking. "I have to agree with the Irishman, I'd rather die in glory than to this sickness."

Uhtred gave his brother a sad smile. "Finan, we have no choice. We leave the horses and go across land on foot to Wenloca," Uhtred said, taking his man's pleading hands in his. "We'll be safe from the sickness, trust me." Finan calmed down as he slowly nodded to his lord. "Find somewhere we can hide the horses," Uhtred ordered. We all dismounted and waited while Sihtric and Osferth carried out Uhtred's order.

I walked over to a visibly crouched down and shaking Finan. He flinched as I gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?" I asked him. "I've never seen you afraid of anything."

"I am sorry," he replied, not looking at me.

"Sorry for what?"

"I lost my mind a bit. I let my fear get the best of me. I..."

"Finan, you're human," I replied. "We all have fears. I know I do."

He turned to meet my eyes. "You are too kind lady."

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that," I chuckled, swatting him playfully.

Ragnar's laugh cut through the air and I looked over to see him cheering the small children up. Aelfwynn's smile had returned and I felt my heart warm at the sight. "He's a good man," Finan said.

Always Be By My Side - Sequel to Always Return to Me (The Last Kingdom Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now