Chapter 21

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After much fussing and a few brief arguments, Ragnar finally relented and allowed me to leave our room. He helped me down the stairs and into the hall where the head table had been laid with bread and a simple broth. I eagerly gobbled it down, feeling Ragnar's watchful gaze.

"I'm not going to fall over from eating," I lightly grumbled.

"I know," he replied.

"Ragnar I'm fine," I smiled at him, watching him study my face. "Honest."

"You are a stubborn woman," he smirked. I raised my brow at him before spooning more broth into my mouth.

"Don't you have something better to do than watch me eat?"


"You could trim your beard," I tried.

"What, you don't like it long?" He chuckled, his usual playful self returning.

"It's not long, it's unruly," I replied. "And when is the last time you bathed?" Ragnar rolled his eyes at me.

"I told you your stench was keeping her asleep," Uhtred laughed, plopping himself down across from us.

I learned that Uhtred had decided to leave, but had delayed his trip by a week upon my waking up. I was glad he stayed longer, and intended to make sure he truly was fine before allowing him to leave. 

"Uhtred," Ragnar nodded at his brother.

"Ragnar," he nodded back.

The unspoken words between the two of them cut the air. "Uhtred, walk with me," I said, putting my hand up to stop Ragnar from protesting.


"Talk to me," I said gently, as we strode through the woods, arm in arm.

"There's nothing to say," Uhtred replied.

"Talk to me," I tried again, stopping to face him. "You grieve for Beocca?" I pried, watching his calm demeanor come undone. Uhtred fell to the ground on his knees. I knelt down beside him and held onto him tightly as he sobbed into my shoulder.

"I am nothing," he cried.

I carefully pulled away, placing my hands on his cheeks. "Look at me. Look at me Uhtred." He obeyed. "You are Uhtred Ragnarson, the rightful heir of Bebbanburg."

"I have lost Bebbanburg," he practically whispered. "I have lost Ragnar."

"Bebbanburg is not lost," I replied. "We will take it back. Ragnar will be with you when the time is right."

"I have nothing. Men will not follow me."

"Men don't follow you because you are a lord," I said sharply. His eyes met mine. "Men follow you because you are a great man. You are strong. You are just. You love your family, your friends. You respect and are loyal to those who deserve it. You refuse to let wrongs go uncorrected." He continued to look at me in disbelief. "You were a slave when you met Finan were you not?" He nodded slowly. "Why do you think he follows you then? It isn't for money."

"Finan is a fool then."

"Then I am a fool too. And Ragnar is a fool."

Uhtred's eyes widened, but he seemed to let my words play through his head. I wasn't fully convinced he was okay, but I did see some improvement in his manner. The will to live relighted in his eyes, and that was enough for me. I knew it would take time for him to grieve, to heal, but it was a small comfort that he no longer looked as though he was going to throw himself from the ramparts of Dunholm.

Always Be By My Side - Sequel to Always Return to Me (The Last Kingdom Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now