Chapter Six : So He Did See Me...

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I wonder why Jimin forgot about the coffees... He literally went down seventeen floors to get them.

Why didn't he want to tell us, not even me why he forgot?

I walked out of the building, mask on, sunglasses hiding my face. I kept my head focused on J'Hope's advice and his suggestions, I mentally executed the choreography, keeping my head in the game.

But when I danced or thought about dancing I kept thinking back about 2016. I was there. Seeing the video brought back memories. I remember their dances, and it was beautiful.

I was cheering for Jimin, and I remember being frustrated that he was celebrating with the other dancers before coming back with us.

Was she one of them?

Also, why did she tell Jimin she had never met him before? They literally trained together for a week?

I don't know if I should remind him of that time.

She probably didn't want to remind him...?

I entered the coffee shop, and turned my headphones off. I ordered the six coffees and waited at the counter.

"It's okay, Kie. You're okay. Just take deep breaths."

Was someone injured? I turned and froze. Kiaraa? Kai? What were they doing here?
And what happened to Kiaraa, she looked shook, her hands were slightly shaking.

"Listen, avoid small talk with BTS, okay?" They both chuckled and I wondered what that meant?

Avoid small talk with BTS...? Did something happen? Is that why Jimin forgot the coffees? I couldn't help looking at Kiaraa, at her shook appearance.

Should I walk up to her?

Though, remembered how Kai advised her to avoid small talk with BTS, I backed off and turned back to the counter.

"Here's your order!" I nodded, paid and thanked the barman before putting my music back on and exiting the place.

I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. I looked back towards the coffee shop and I swear I saw her looking my way.

I hope she didn't see me. That would make her feel very uncomfortable...

I hurried inside and rushed to the elevator. Hopefully she didn't see me.

"Ahh! Finally!" Jk stretched and jogged over to me, taking one of the coffee cups I had brought. "You don't get lost like Jiminssi?" He teased and I automatically turned my head towards Jimin.

He was dancing, working on the choreography. I gave everyone their coffee and walked to my best friend.


He stopped dancing and smiled.

"About the coffee earlier-"

This time he sighed.

"I told you, I don't know, I just got distracted."

"was it because of Kim Kiaraa?" His eyes met mine before he looked around to check if the others heard.

I know Jimin can't lie to me.


"What happened? She didn't look too good at the coffee shop."

"I don't know. I asked her if we had met in the elevator, and I guess it made her uncomfortable. But then, instead of taking a taxi to bring her stuff home she headed to the coffee shop. Before she got there she fainted."

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