Chapter Twenty Three : Explanations

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I stepped out of that office Se-Jin had gifted me with during the week and headed to the elevator. I scrolled on my phone, going through my team's group chat's texts. They were arriving at Big Hit.

I was going to leave to meet up with Taehyung.

The little ringing of the elevator made me look up, and I got out, readjusting the bucket hat.

I walked to the main doors and exited the building. There was no one, unlike earlier when BTS arrived.

A few cars were parked. I recognised the team's cars and saw them exit the car. I was about to wave and greet them but Johnny got out and I just wanted to leave. I called a taxi. I gave him the address and opened the convo with Taehyung.

"I'll be there in ten." I told him.

"Okay! I'll be there :)" I turned off my phone and nervously looked out the window. No matter what I was going to tell Taehyung, I was still going to push him away. I was still going to tell him to back off...

The taxi stopped and I got out. Rain had started pouring while I was in the car and I was drenched by the time I reach the dorm. I never gave the exact address to taxis to avoid attracting too much attention. So I had a little walking to do.

I rang and the door was opened, allowing me to run through the courtyard and inside the building.

I gasped removing my coat, wiping the water off of my face.

"Here, take this." I was startled by the sudden presence and saw Taehyung handing me the sweatshirt he had given me but which I had forgotten at the Lake House.

"Thanks..." I breathed, giving him my wet coat and putting the sweatshirt on. I relaxed in the warmth of the dry piece of clothes.

"You wanna come to the kitchen? I'll get you something to drink maybe. Or to eat?" He offered.

"Okay. But, Taehyung." He turned to me. He looked exhausted, probably from the week, the trip...


"I'm only explaining. I'm not coming back on what I said." I warned him and he smiled.

"I know." Was his only response before he took my hand, well, there wasn't much of my hand but my fingertips coming out of the sleeve...He gently pulled me to the kitchen and put the water to heat before leaving the room. "Wait here."

I did as asked. What was I supposed to do anyways? I sat on a stool and waited patiently.

"Here, you should dry your hair or you'll catch a cold." He said, handing me a towel. And by the way, I have the pyjamas you forgot, so if you want to be fully dry?"

I hesitated. I was really cold, drenched like that. But get into my pyjamas...Well he already saw me in my pyjamas. I'll's past 7 pm anyways.

"Okay. Yeah." I nodded and he showed me to the bathroom. I was quick to change and put my soaked shirt and trousers to dry. My coat was downstairs. I went back downstairs and met Taehyung in the kitchen.

His lips stretched into a perfect smile when he saw me.

"Here, have those." He offered some inside shoes and then let me sit by the table.

"Thank you. For all this." I shyly said, not daring to look into his eyes.

"No problem. Have this. It's warm." He handed me a tea and sat facing me.

God, can he stop being so kind?!

"It's nothing pleasant..." I started.

"It's okay. Whatever it is, just tell me."

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 • 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now