Chapter Twenty Five : She slept with me.

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I sighed, slowly waking up. I felt warm and reaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyy comfortable.

I opened my eyes and it all came back to me. Taehyung was still holding me.
I smiled. I hadn't slept so well in ages. I felt like the fact that Taehyung was still sleeping was a little blessing. I could save the awkwardness for some other time.

I tried to remove his arms from around me. But just like when you pull something from someone sleeping, he pulled me back, even closer.

I didn't feel warm and comfortable anymore. I felt a little too hot as his lips brushed against my neck.

"Okay, Taehyung...." I whispered feeling a little weak.

My heart was racing, I feared it might jump out of my chest.

I slowly took one of his hands which were closed behind my back and delicately brought it to his chest and moved back.

With one hand, I held his head so that he didn't wake up with a sudden move.

I took the pillow and filled my spot with the pillow, pulling the blanket I didn't know was here last night, on him. He cuddled the pillow and I breathed out of relief.

Just like that I was able to slip out of the room.

I closed the room and fanned my face with my hand, feeling that the heat had coloured my cheeks quite a bit.

"A little hot in there?" I jumped back.

"Jin?" I looked up, really intimidated. Jin intimidated me quite a bit but catching me red handed....that was the worst situation so far. "That's not what you think." I cut and he shook his head.

"Even if it was what I thought, do you think I'd judge you?" He gifted me with a genuine smile and I just stared back, puzzled. "Breakfast?" He offered and I nodded.

"Okay." I breathed, looking at my phone for the time.

"Half past eight... I need to be at work by ten." I rubbed my eyes and followed Jin to the kitchen.

"So, nice night?" He smirked and I felt my throat dry;

"Um, no, nothing happened. I just-"

"Relax, Kiaraa. I'm just teasing you."

"Ha....okay." I nervously sat on the stool, taking the hot chocolate Jin was offering me, I didn't even say what I wanted I just took it, too embarrassed.

The sole memory of feeling Taehyung's lips against my neck gave me butterflies and I felt strangely hot.

"Thank you, for the hot chocolate, Jin. I think I need to go." I smiled his way, grabbed my clothes and got changed, before heading out and calling a taxi.

I couldn't help thinking about Taehyung. All I could see was his sleeping face resting on my shoulder, all I could feel was the feeling of his arms around me.

Why couldn't I just ignore, get on with my life?

"Where to, miss?"

"Um, Big Hit Entertainement building please." I asked. I managed to fit my pyjamas in my small bag, wearing the sweatshirt.

I reached the tall building and paid the cab driver before walking towards the entrance.

"Kiaraa! Kiaraa!" I turned around and I tried to hide the deception in my face as I saw Johnny run my way.

He reached me and I gave him a tight smile.

"I went to your house last night. But you weren't there." He said.

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