Chapter seven : I'm not her boyfriend

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I cleared my plate and grabbed the sweatshirt which I still hadn't returned

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I cleared my plate and grabbed the sweatshirt which I still hadn't returned. After taking my pills I really was feeling sleepy. My eyelids wouldn't stay open, no matter how hard I tried to focus on my computer.

Though, I wanted to check the dance practice before sleeping. I pressed start and watched it once, yawning loudly as I inspected the video. I cleaned the audio but slowly leaning on the table.

[Author pov]

Kiaraa fell asleep on her chair, head on her right arm. The video kept playing, but she was already too fast asleep.

She didn't hear her phone ringing.

It rang twice.

A little later, the doorbell rang, but once again she didn't hear.

The person that came in was none other than Kim Taehyung. Seeing that she wasn't answering the phone he assumed she was busy. The first floor tenant gave him the second key, since Kiaraa had explained to him before that Kim taehyung had access to her studio. He expected no one to be in the apartment and therefore was surprised to see Kiaraa, in his sweatshirt, in front of the computer.

"So that's why you didn't answer the phone?" He whispered, wondering for a moment if he should be waking her up. He looked at her for a few seconds.

"Kiaraa?" he called once. "Kiaraa?" he called again. "You really are tired, aren't you?"

Sighing lightly, he turned the chair a little and picked her up, trying his best not to wake her up.

If she woke up while he was carrying her, she'd probably panic.

Her head slowly fell on his shoulder and he paused for a second. She looked so small in his arms. So vulnerable.

Feeling the heat from Taehyung's body, Kiaraa brought her arms closer to her body and cuddle against him, unconsciously.

Taehyung froze.

He almsot dropped her taken by surprise.

Taehyung slowly made his way to the couch and laid her there. He sighed in relief since she didn't wake up. That was close...

He stood there, unsure. Should he just wake her up? nuh...He took the blanket folded on the table and unfolded it on Kiaraa. He then cleared his throat and took the chair, pulling the headphones on his ears. Reviewing a dance practice video was an easy process since it's a practice video. It doesn't have to be as perfect as a performance. Plus, there's no singing.

Regardless, he focused and got it done, writing down everything he changed as he did it for Kiaraa. He was almost done when the door opened and a young woman came in.

She seemed to come often since she dropped her bag on the counter and poured herself a cup of coffee. taehyung slightly jumped when he saw her. That was unexpected to say the least. He removed the headphones.

"Oh, hi!" the girl spoke up, smiling. She glanced at her sleeping friend in the large sweatshirt she had never seen her wearing, then back at the man sitting at the studio. "Wait. Kiaraa didn't tell me she had a boyfriend!" She kept her voice down to avoid waking Kiaraa up but the excitement was highly noticeable in her voice.

Embarrassment was as clear on Taehyung's face.

"No, I'm not her boyfriend." He quickly defended, glancing at Kiaraa and hoping she wouldn't wake up.

The girl squinted her eyes at Taehyung.

"That's your sweatshirt, isn't it?"

How the hell does she know that? He thought, frustrated.

"Yeah...But she doesn't know that. It's all a misunderstanding."

"She doesn't know she's wearing your sweatshirt?" Her teasing smile exasperated Taehyung.

"Listen, I forgot it at her place, she thought it was her friend's so she kept it to remind herself to return it."

"You forgot her place? I know Kiaraa, she doesn't do one night stands. But hey, it's okay, she'll tell me when she's ready that she has a boyfriend. We both know her condition, we should be careful with her health. Don't feel bad that I figured it out." She smirked. "It's not going to affect our friendship if that's what you're worried about."

Taehyung felt at loss with words. What could he say to convince her that he was nothing but a collegue to Kiaraa. Of course the situation was ambiguous, Kiaraa was sleeping in his sweatshirt, he said the exact words that could add more ambiguity.

"I'm done with the computer." were the only words he was able to utter before standing up and taking his coat.

"Well I'll see you around!" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Don't worry, I won't tell her i know." She winked and Taehyung just stood there for a moment, confused and completely weirded out.

He rushed out of the apartment.

What just happened? He tried to wrap his head around what he had just witnessed. But it was just too strange. Him?? Boyfriend of Kiaraa who he had just met? Uhh... I don't think so.

Back in the apartment, Ji-won walked up to the computer and plugged her USB in the computer. her eyes fell on the paper where Taehyung had written all the changes he made.

"Awwww, he even helped her with her work..." She smiled, fangirling. "That's so cute." She whispered before diving in her work.

She remained in the chair for four hours straight and left before Kiaraa woke up. Knowing her friend's condition, she didn't try to wake her up. She simply did as usual, borrowed the studio and left, often leaving a little thank you gift. Kiaraa stretched on the couch pulling the long slleves over her fingers.

Slowly, she opened her eyes, looking around.

When she realised she was on her couch she fowned.

"How did I get here?" She looked around for clues but found none. "I probably came here before falling asleep. It's just super blurry." She stood up and after making herself a cup of tea, walked to the computer, grabbing her phone.

"Oh? Two missed calls from Taehyung?" She frowned but then her eyes fell on the list of changes executed.  she picked it up and following the list checking the video, checking if all the changes seemed necessary and good to her. She modified one or two things on what he did but overall she seemed satisfied.

I checked the changes you made on the dance practice video and apart from one or two details, they're good. She typed and sent before realisation hit her. Did he...come while I was sleeping?

"Aiisssssshhhhhhhh!" She cursed annoyed. "Uncomfortable situations keep adding up!" she quickly took out her phone and opened the conversation with Taehyung.

Sorry that I slept. I don't usually sleep during the day.

Surprisingly, the response came rather fast.

No worries, you should take care of your health. And thank you for your approval on my changes. :)

Kiaraa smiled at the reply but didn't put much more thought to it. She focused on her work and on being serious the rest of the week. She enjoyed it when Taehyung came to work on the videos. Nothing much happened, they just worked, and ate. There wasn't much talking, but it was nice.

Sunday night, she received a call from Se-jin who reminded her that the next day was departure for Gangwon-do Chuncheon, to Lake 192. She got her luggage ready. It was going to be nice there, despite the fact that she'd have to work with soemone else's tools.

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