Chapter 40 : I'm right here

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He scrolled through the conversation, that painful conversation

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He scrolled through the conversation, that painful conversation.

"Taehyungah, I hope you're not too tired today! I know you're very busy, so I won't ask to call. But make sure to stay safe. I was just wondering...if I have done something wrong, please tell me...I love you so much. I can't bear to be away from you and pushed away from you like that."

And all that person said was :

"Oh, so sorry! I'm really busy! Take care!" And she thought it was him? She must've been in so much pain...

"Sir?" The three men stood up.

"Is she okay?" Jimin asked quickly.

"For now nothing is certain. But she's not good, no. I came to tell you that the operation will probably end in three hours."

"Have a room prepared, please. VIP section. Do everything you possibly can. To save my sister." Kai demanded and the nurse nodded. She had a room prepared and told the three guys to wait in there.

Taehyung still couldn't believe that it was her. That she was that dancer. Kiaraa was that dancer. He wanted to hold her so bad. He wanted to show her that he was always true to her, and that he always would be...

The door opened and the three singers stood, expecting the nurse. Kai frowned.

"Johnny? Didn't you have a falling out with my sister?" Kai crossed his arms while Johnny closed the door.

"It's all good now." He smiled. That smile didn't stay there long.

Taehyung launched at him, throwing him on the floor with a punch.

"No, it's not. I know it was you. All along. You are so fucked up." Taehyung spat, looking at Johnny on the floor, who held his face, feeling dizzy. He had not expected that.

"Taehyungah!! What are you doing?!" Jimin stood in between the two.

"I don't know how he managed it. But he hacked into my girlfriend's phone. He did that to make her believe I was cheating. He then managed to find pictures that looked like me and sent them to Kiaraa, after two months of making her suffer. She was already in pain, worried, unsure. That's when he hit. That coward, that gutless bastard. The only thing you didn't think about is that the girl in the photo where we clearly see my face, she's my cousin." Johnny didn't seem fazed at all.

"Seeing how you know about all of it, I'd say it worked. She actually bought all of it. And she probably asked to break up with you."

Taehyung didn't waste a second, he launched at the man and began beating him up, pouring into his blows all his pain, his frustration, his anger. Kai didn't even try to stop Taehyung.

Having just heard what happened, he didn't try to help that psychotic man who was behind his sister's pain.

Jimin on the other hand, did try to stop Taehyung.

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 • 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now