Chapter Eighteen : You're not alone

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The rest of the day was relaxed, they ate all together, Kiaraa played ping pong with Jin and Taehyung, they took a stroll by the lake. Jimin dragged her to play ping pong again.

The 95s were determined to make her forget whatever pain she was feeling and it was working. She laughed and enjoyed the day, in a way she hadn't in a while...

At dinner, they offered drinks but Kiaraa only took one before discreetly leaving the table.

She left unnoticed and walked by the lake, sitting on the shore, eyes to the stars.

She was eternally grateful for the day she passed, she remembered her friend but had a beautiful day. She forgot the guilt for almost the whole day.

"Na-rae...I had a beautiful day. I thought of you and I know you were by my side. Thank you for watching over me. I miss you a lot...I miss your laugh...I miss your enthusiasm, your positivity...I miss those evenings we spent discussing endlessly our dreams, talking about the guys we had crushes on, the gossips we had heard."

Kiaraa took another sip of the bottle she had taken with her.

"I miss you, much...I need you now more than know, were such good friends...he took care of me so many times... he was there for the darkest moments...But he...well, you saw from up there..." Kiaraa drunk another sip before going on.

"Now I feel so alone..." she looked down and was about to take another sip of soju when a hand gently took the bottle.

Kiaraa looked up at the person who had arrived.

"You're not alone, Kiaraa." Taehyung sat by her side.

He turned his eyes to look at her. Her eyes shone with the tears still in her eyes, reflecting the moonlight.

"I am...Johnny was my closest friend after...."

"Na-Rae?" Kiaraa looked down, hearing someone else say her name...No one ever dared around her, afraid it might trigger her. And she didn't know herself if it would...But when Taehyung said her name, she realised how much she longed for someone to talk to about her missing best friend.

"She was my best soulmate..." she whispered. "She died...she died in 2018...the same day I got the scar you saw...I...I didn't get to say goodbye. I wasn't by her side when she breathed her last breath...she was alone...It should've been me...she was only there because of me and when it happened...I should've been the one to die..."

"Shhh....don't say that... you..." Taehyung sat closer to her and swung an arm around her shoulders and she let her head fall on his shoulder.

She felt understood by Taehyung, she felt like he cared for her, like he was there for her. And she trusted him.

"You know, my grandmother....she passed on the 3rd of September...And I was in the Philippines that day. I wanted to surprise her on TV, but she passed before that. I wasn't by her side, I wasn't there to support her. She was always by my side. But I wasn't there."

Kiaraa felt even more understood. He had the same regret, the same eternal pain. Losing a person they love without being able to say goodbye.

"No matter what you believe in, you should know that the people you lost they're still with us. You can believed they're in heaven, or maybe that they're starting their next life. But you, you have the memories. The people you lost, they're always with you, you carry them everyday in your heart. You can still talk to them. And they'll be listening."

Kiaraa looked up at Taehyung, studying his features, studying his face.

"You're very wise, aren't you?" The start of a smile appeared on her sad face.

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