Chapter 43 : Death doesn't let you say goodbye.

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Jungkook shook his head then looked at his hyung who pulled away from Jimin's embrace, straightening his outfit. The tears still streamed down his face. But he was quiet.

Jungkook looked at him and walked to him.

"Hyung..." Taehyung couldn't look up. He felt that seeing anyone else's pain would hurt him even more.

"Isn't it...isn't it so much darker when a light goes out, than it would've been if it had never shone..." Taehyung muttered.

"You don't mean that, hyung..." Jungkook stared worriedly towards Taehyung.

Kai looked through the room and saw the nurses giving each other orders. His eyes went to the small screen that indicated that her heart had stopped. They went on, massaging her heart, trying to get her back.

"She wanted to dance again. She dreamed to overcome her trauma and start dancing again." Kai whispered.

Taehyung closed his eyes. He knew that. He knew how much Kiaraa struggled to get over her pain. He had planned to help her dance again. He had planned to travel with her. He wanted to spend his life with her, grow old with her.

He prayed his angels, he turned to his grandmother, begging for help. Kiaraa had to survive. They had to restart her heart.

There was no alternative.

He bit on his lower lip as he saw the red material, that red bandana fall from her hand.

"'re so strong...You can't leave after fighting for so long. There's no way in hell you're leaving me." Taehyung wished she could hear his thoughts, he wished she could know and come back to him.

Taehyung's eyes snapped open as a small beep echoed in the room.

I opened my eyes. There was light in here. I slowly adjusted to the light in the room and looked at the people around me. They were breathing deeply, looking relieved at me.

Where was I? Who was I? What was this? I felt fear tighten my heart.

"Could I...could I sit?" I whispered painfully and a nurse positioned the bed into a sitting position. My head was on the pillow and I felt too weak to lift it.

Taehyung stared. So did Kai. What kind of miracle was this?

"Kie?!" My eyes went straight towards the voice I now remembered. Everything came back to me with the sole pronunciation of my name by that one person I fought to go back to.

"Taehyungah..." I breathed, feeling the tears in my throat. He was there, he looked like he cried. He looked like he was in pain. In terrible pain. My eyes didn't leave his silhouette. His hand went to his mouth, blocking the sobs. Did he think I died?

I think I did die.

The nurses moved back and exited the room.

Taehyung stood there, at the door, for long seconds.

He finally came to me, sitting on the bedside. I brought my arms to him, bringing my hand to his face I had missed so much. In that dark hall I had been alone, scared.

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